Blood elves and their knowledge about fel magic

I get that you attach Blood Elven warlocks to Rommath because he taught the first of them how to use fel magic. But there is still no reason to do the same thing with Blood Elven priests and Liadrin. She has done nothing but leave their order to become a warrior and create her own order later. She hasn’t taught anything to Blood Elven priests.

I’ll do whatever I want as will Blizzard.

If they want to put Liadrin as the main light-worshipper of Silvermoon, then they’ll do it. (I mean, they basically have done anyway.)

Same here, except that what I say isn’t based on unconfirmed facts. Sorry for not buying into your theories.

Sure, and the Blood Elven priests will keep praying to the Sunwell and not to the Light. Until Blizz says otherwise, this is still canon

What you say is all questions anyway.

Nobody cares about you Nedra and your theories either.


No reason to be butthurt because you haven’t changed my mind. Try coming up with facts next time, that usually works :slightly_smiling_face:

If anyone shares Leíá’s views and can actually back them up, feel free to give me your sources. There can always be some in game text or quests that I don’t have the knowledge of, or passages from canon books that I don’t know of either. If you have some of those, I won’t bite, promised :slightly_smiling_face:

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No need for you to be butthurt either. Try coming up with sources for your “facts.” I don’t see any lore where blood elf priests pray to the Sunwell, directly…since all blood elves say the same thing.
Your just offended over things that have no large meaning in Quel’Thalas society.

:rofl: :woman_shrugging:

The only thing that bothers me since the beginning of this useless conversation is your way of clumping everything together based on your opinion and calling it facts. If you still don’t get that, I pray the might of the Sunwell comes to your aid

dodging the question yet again.

I want a direct source from you, stating that blood elf priests pray to the sunwell and not the Holy Light.

It’s just like Night Elf Mage fans who tell us that Shen’dralar have been scrying on the world for over 10,000 years, yet provide no source for it.

I’ll look it up tonight, but here is another question to make you think while you wait. There is no source (that I know of) that indicates that the elves of Quel’thalas ever communed with the Light prior to M’uru being sent there by Kael’thas during TBC. We know where and when the belief in the Light has started for the Draenei, Tauren and humans, but there is no mention of Elven priests using the Light before BC (or after for that matter, though High Elves using it now makes sense to me due to their proximity with humans). Yet they were already around in the kaldorei society and quel’dorei society as well. The Night Elves are known worshippers of Elune, Tauren worship An’she along with Mu’sha, Draenei worship the Light and the Naaru, but who/what do the Elves of Quel’thalas worship? The Sunwell.

So by this logic - the ancient Highborne Night Elves, who followed Azshara, who put magic over everything, must have put their worship into the Well of Eternity.

So Liadrin being unable to call on the Light and heal her allies during the Third War…was that just a hoax? Is High Priest Vandellor a retcon - even though we saw him during the Sin’dorei Heritage Questline?
Was it just her time of the month?

They also worshipped and protected the Well of Eternity because they thought that Elune slept in it, yes.

I told you before, this is inconsistent with what we know about the beliefs of the Quel’thalas Elves. It would make more sense now, but you said it yourself; the Sunwell didn’t contain Light magic before the end of M’uru and judging by her exchanges with Velen, she barely understood what the Light was and how it worked.

I’ll double cross what has been said in game with « Blood of the Highborne » and the Chronicles to tell you more when I have time tonight, tomorrow at the latest

So - explain W3 then.
Explain Vandellor - the last High Priest of Quel’Thalas.
Explain Liadrin

Are we saying that the known character of Vandellor, who Blizzard put into the game for the Blood Elf heritage questline - is wrong? Are Blizzard wrong?

The first elves did.
By the time Azshara’s ascended to the throne, it was about plumbing the depths of the Well through Arcane sorcery.

So - the Highborne never worshiped elune. It was worship in the Well of Eternity, after Azshara’s ascension.

No - you don’t allow me to use the Blood of the Highborne, which by your words, has been retconned so you can’t use it either.

I have told you countless times already that the mention of the Light in « Blood of the Highborne » is most likely an inconsistency with what we know about the beliefs of Quel’thalas Elves. Asking the same question will only make me give you the same answer every time you ask it. Vandellor was a character of that short story that came out long before the armor heritage quest line, he wasn’t created solely for the quests :woman_facepalming:

That’s what the Quel’dorei close to Azshara did, not all priests and priestesses. Are you really implying that this is what Tyrande was doing?

If that’s what you think, why would worshipping the Sunwell not make sense for the Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei priests?

I feel sorry for the people around you if being childish is how you deal with things when someone disagrees with you. I’ll use « Blood of the Highborne » to show why it is inconsistent since it makes sense in this conversation. Grow up.

Do what you want Nedra. I’m past caring, about your mentions of “likely” which are the same as “could” and “maybe.”

At this stage now, I hope you do it, just so you waste your own time.

Pot kettle black as well.

I think we finally agree on something. I’ll do it if somebody else steps into this convo and is interested in going beyond what Wowpedia says. Talking to you is no use.

Likewise. A total waste of time.

I’ll ask one last thing from you though. Could you please mute me so that we don’t see each other’s posts? I can’t do it myself since you hid your profile

Might do, if I can be bothered.

Nice convo :stuck_out_tongue: as much as I would like the Blood Elf Priests to pray to the Sunwell rather than directly to the Light in order to be unique and different from Human and Dwarven Priests, it seems they don’t specifically need the Sunwell to be around or to believe in it in order to cast the Light…yes, Liadrin lost her faith when it was destroyed, but not every Sin’dorei priest did. Similarly, Mages could cast arcane and fire spells without the Sunwell too (someone said this was because of them using ambient magic, but I don’t think it’s really confirmed).
It seems like the Blood Knights now are encouraged to put their faith into the Light directly rather than the Sunwell as well in order to have an armonic relationship with the Light too…boring…

And for Rommath leader of the Warlocks…well, not every class needs a specific racial leader to lead them, some classes can just be “free spirits” and learn by themselves or from other races, but in the case of the Blood Elf Warlocks it could be Rommath simply by association, if the Warlocks are part of the Magisters too (it seems to be the case). So Rommath even without being a warlock himself, can still lead them, likely to keep an eye on them anyway.

Even though Astalor Bloodsworn would be nice to have as Warlock leader too (even tho he’s another mage…)…Rommath lately is going a bit ham about exiling people…Blood Elf Warlocks and Shadow priests could be the next “easy targets” to be exiled from Quel’thalas after the Void Elves even if they don’t really study the Void like the Ren’dorei? But they can still use Void spells, and obviously they don’t like the Light at all… but I don’t want Rommath to become like Garrosh who simply purged and killed a lot of Orc Warlocks from Orgrimmar :thinking:

also Blizzard lost the chance to make Magister Umbric a Warlock, as well…

The status of the Sanctum Guild (the coven of Blood Elf Warlocks) is simply that of an unknown status.
The only thing we do know is that their Tailoring Shop was closed down by the Silvermoon Authorities.

The next thing we got was something about a few blood elf warlocks in Dalaran, where Shinfel wanted something from them and our Order Hall Champs had to go out and defeat the Sanctum Warlocks in order to get Shinfel’s item.

Due to what happened, it’s likely the Magisters keep an eye on the activities of the Sanctum. The same likely applies for any Shal’dorei Warlocks - Thalyssra and her Magisters possibly keep them on an extremely short leash.
Both Elven races have their reasons and they are extremely justified in their mistrust of fel-users.

It shocked me the Blood Elves felt the way they do - especially when the Blood Elf Demon Hunter states “my people shun me as a freak.” I was almost certain the Night Elves would have been more hostile, but no…

Thanks for confirming. So both myself and Nedra were wrong.

What is confirmed is that many were drawn to the path of the Blood Knight, once M’uru was in Silvermoon and it could be the most kind Priest or the most angry Warrior - they were drawn and it was only the Farstriders who vocalized their disapproval.

It’s possible that Blizzard are trying to push that TBC feel of the Blood Elves, into the Void Elves, to give the Alliance Elves more of a “dark” feel.