Blood elves belong in the Horde

Wow, that’s all you got?
Shame I wasted my time then, if you had actually done the courtesy of reading all I wrote it was quite clear that he needs to make amends for not stepping up to his role as High Chieftain, he did practically nothing for them, the narrative is quite clear, everything he did, he did for his own conscience and sense of honor.

We will not see eye to eye, he’s a bad character, and you certainly have no grounds or right to judge what I want or not, as you clearly don’t even know, while it was spelled out for you.
The Crossroads cinematic was a load of hogwash in its own, but only to people who think critically about what it was that was actually said in it - I mean, Sylvanas was going to burn down Thunder Bluff? And the Horde would just let her? get real, please - Blizzard knew it was trash, that was why they skipped forward to the March on Orgrimmar and an attack on Thunder Bluff never happened.

This is also out of place, so get off of your high horse ; I made no mistakes, I’m a player,not a writer, not an actual Horde soldier, and I want a decent narrative and the race I love to be portrayed as something more than pacifist hippies that turn the other cheek when their villages get burned down and their people slaughtered.

We do, I prefer a racial leader that looks out for and cares for his own people, foremost. The Alliance attacked them, you know? Not the other way around.

So, what if we take out Baine and switch him in for Tyrande, and switch Taurajo for Astranaar or Auberdine…would you still claim it that Tyrande was a big woman for saying No to retribution and even banishing Night Elves from their home capital from striking back at the Horde?


Can i just say i love your post? :smiley:
Also if arent you should join fortune favoured forum discord!

Thank you!
I’m not on any discord, I’m just a lone wolf with my Tauren lore grievances.


wel discord is good place to hang otu and chat with others!

I did read what you said and i did accurately sum it up.

Your stepping up is to seek revenge. I understood quite well.

If you wanted a back and forth on every single case, sorry i am the one that doesn’t have the time to waste on that. So, i went directly to the point.

Honestly, this is just a case of the game not fitting your head canon. What do you want me to do? I don’t live in your head, so, no, i can’t agree.
Also, make up your mind if you talk of yourself as a member of the Tauren race, or as a player. Cause as a player, you obviously do not relate to the Tauren race. You just want war cause it entertains you.

Dude, so what?! The Horde attacks the alliance all the time. The Alliance are often the ones stopping the chain of hatred. Tauren are part of the horde, they are responsible too. If you disbanded the horde and the alliance MAYBE there would be a case for that. Baine is a character that understands that and prefers to not escalate things cause he knows that there is only losing more with that mindset.

Baine is a good leader to his people. He protects them from pointless death and seeks peace with the other races. Sorry that the player in you is not amused by the lack of war/vengeance/postering.

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No cause unlike him i dont troll

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the way you write you clearly have no wits

And thalysra isnt a offensive magic powerhosue as Jaina/rommath or other major mages of eitehr faction (she is no slouch eitehr though) but is very capable with her barriers.

Also about Lore grievances i have alot of those myself xD.
I coul rant for entire day straight prolly, i did it once for basicly afternoon lol


No, you didn’t, you oversimplified the matters to condescend and lecture me.

Atleast now I see where you are coming from though;

Where was I talking about myself as ‘member of the tauren race’ haha, I mean are you serious now?
And yes, fictional War entertains me, it’s why I play a game with fictional war settings in it, strangely enough so do you, so isn’t it absurd that you’re pointing this out and lecturing me on it? Seems a bit out of touch with reality, don’t you think? Or plain disingenious, if you prefer that.

And if I didn’t relate to tauren race or lore, why would I bother? I could just be like you and not give it any deep thinking, since…well, I’m getting a rather strong vibe that you play neither tauren nor Horde.
And no, I didn’t want to you to do anything, except maybe stop that condescending tone and out of place lecturing, I wrote at my first post very clearly that I wasn’t going to change your mind - I wrote I wanted to give my explanation on why I, and others, think Baine is a bad character / Leader for his race - I mean, you basicly asked for an explanation, you got one, more than you expected and can deal with, apparantly, it shows.

See, this is where you really dropped the pretense. I never wrote I had an issue with the Alliance doing what they do, there should be more of it, because wether you like it or not, the game is about two factions at war, regardless of where it’s going in the future.
I wrote, I think very clearly, that my issue is with Baine’s responses(or rather lack there off), wich you would have known if you had had the courtesy of actually reading what you were responding too, or should I say ‘raging against’.

That you didn’t even dare to answer my question if you had felt it Okay if another leader, an Alliance leader, I used Tyrande as example, had responded in the same way to similar events, tells me a whole lot about who I’m dealing with here.
You couldn’t care less about the Horde, the Tauren or Baine, you’re probably upset I was derailing the thread from the inane Blood Elf bashing that’s apparantly still a thing 17 years after the fact… /shrug.

He isn’t, as pointed out and not countered with a single argument.
But hey, 'Sorry that the player in you can’t handle people not going by your weird morals and are entertained by fictional conflict".


Assuming you are referring to me, I’ve never actually reported anyone, even you, though you have given plenty of reason. Do you still regard women as financial commodities, or did you apologise for that one?

Think you’ll find I am, I’m not throwing out any insults. Unlike you.

Oh but you do…

There you go, there is an example of you insulting someone, and not the first in this thread.

Admit it, you are trolling and just being unnecessarily unpleasant to people.


Yeah, but you didn’t prove me wrong though. You are still saying the same thing. This nebulous point where you want vengeance/posturing and being above that is a bad thing.

Where was I talking about myself as ‘member of the tauren race’ haha

If you don’t consider yourself a member of the Tauren race, then what legitimacy do you have of talking about Tauren lore and leader? None. You just want to be entertained as a player and are not interested at all in the Tauren people or the story being told.
Thanks for confirming. You just don’t care, but here you are trying to argue lore issues. Priceless.

Get used to it. I am not gonna debate every useless statement you put forward. You are wasting my time.

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That’s totally wrong. As far as financials go, women are pretty much in the expenses graph.

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True though, said poster has some very…interesting views on people dependent upon their avatar, female avatars are women of negotiable affection, and Horde avatars are White Supremacists. It is somewhat fascinating watching him descend further and further…


Does that mean you consider yourself a Void Elf then…?
Thanks for confirming you’re actually a troll, atleast I hope you are trolling…for your sake.

Also ;

Uhh, yeah? It’s why I pay my subscription fee to play this game?

Waste of time, indeed.


yes you do throw out insult all the time and for no reason. and no i dont troll like you do. And no that is not an example as he started by insulting me by saying i have no with man you really have no brain at all as you are even insulting in this comment.

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And saying that somone has no brain is not insulting at all?

Or telling someone they have no wits?

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I mean considering how Alliance treated Kael’thas and the blood elves… xD
They’re 100% Horde, period.


No. Just no. Play horde if you want blond hair elves.

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we’ll set aside the point that you are insulting me there, but can you point out where I have insulted you?