Tauren have never betrayed the horde and the do belong as you well know
Baine cough cough cough
Sorry bad cough it’s getting cold here.
Clearly you have not goten from lore sorces as otherwise you would not that im right
Well you are clearly wrong, or the Chronicles books are wrong, whom am I inclined to believe more?
try reading again Ms genius(no your absolutley not a genius so dont think its a compliment) cause i never said sylvannas was a blood elf.where do you see me refering to her as a elf? i used her as an example as someone who betrayed the hordes cause and got kicked out…perhaps read next time before making accusations like that next time
Well… I’m trying not to be pedantic here but Taurens have the inability to be mages and warlocks with requires a lot of the Intelligence stat snickers, So yeah I think she is intelligent
Baine havent betrayed them. Also if you think having a caugh causes your writing to become diffrent then you must be abit special…
Well this just confirms at this point you are just trolling my hairy li… big friend,
I am special I get told that all the time
No im not wrong as i have already proven to you and if you check that book you just mentioned you see that im right
Think whatever you like but thats just shows that your wrong if you base it just around what calss they can be
I guess you’ve not seen the film to understand the reference.
Ground hog day is a film where the main character is stuck in a time loop. Every night he goes to sleep he wakes up and the day starts over again.
That is how this thread goes. You repeat yourself over and over and no matter how many times you are shown evidence to prove you wrong you just keep saying the same thing over and over.
No it dont prove that im trolling because im not its you that is trolling by making false accusations that you cant back up
No i cant say that i have watched the grund hog day film but if its around a time loop the it describes what you are doing every time you respond by just making up false lies that you cant back up. And unlike you i dont do that as everything i have said i have proven to you with evidence.
And there we go again.
Seriously go read all the previous references you’ve been given
Even though Brigante has already highlighted the relevant parts.
yeah there we go again with you not being able to prove anything…big suprise
i already know those things as you can clearly see in there it proves that they dont belong so read it yourself so you can see that you are wrong
On the contrary we have shown that Blood Elves are part of the Horde and how they belong in their ranks.
One of the many highlights explaining…
They are like a toddler that is in a mood and wont listen to reason. We have gone beyond the point of trolling at this point.
No you havent show that and while they unfortunatley are part of the horde you have never once given anything that show sthat they belong BECAUSE THEY DONT as i have given you tons of evidence on that they dont
I’ve shown you evidence from lore that tauren do not belong in the horde. I’ve given you proof multiple times that they do not belong in the horde.