Blood elves belong in the Horde

Imagine being so proud of having such a bad take.


Just stating facts. That’s not even a take.

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You no take Silvermoon :rofl:


I think you have more to worry about with the Code of Conduct than I do, you have several times insulted people directly, calling them morons, insulting their intelligence, referring to them with a term beginning with R that implies mental backwardness. I think you have far, far more to worry about. Thankfully I am not a vindictive person, and prefer to debate, rather than flag posts.

They haven’t actually made any insult though, have they, and no, I do not know who it is, but you are assuming it is a ‘he’.

What insult have I offered you on this new character of yours?

In which case in my appeal I will detail the insults you have paid others and myself. One of us will get silenced, and it won’t be me, as I have not broken the Code of Conduct, unlike you.

Yes it is. You have not proven it, and you have been given lore evidence disproving what you are asserting.

You think Blood Elves are -civilised-!
Oh my, no they are not, they are pure malevolence dressed up posh, savagery in silk and shiny towers, selfish, egotistical megalomaniacs with a hunger for power. Oh they may -look- civilised, but they really are not. They had a secret police and thought control whilst Garrosh was still moping in Nagrand over his daddy issues.

Elves aren’t nice people!

As for the Horde being led by Alliance sympathisers, well, I’ll give you Baine, he has betrayed the Horde a couple of times. I’ll semi-give you Thrall, he is very keen to work with Jaina, but is at best cautiously neutral to the Alliance. Lor’themar “That Human Witch! Bench flip” Theron, only works with the Alliance when he has no choice, and directly squares up to them leading the Horde in Shadowlands. Thalyssra? Yeah, not a big fan of the Alliance. Rok’han? again, not a huge fan of the Alliance, Gazlowe? Well he used to be neutral, but now is firmly on the side of the Horde, Forsaken? Well, we don’t know who their new leader is, we just know Blizzard have confirmed it isn’t Calia Menethil, so if we go with Lilian Voss, she’s not exactly a fan of the Alliance either. Mayla Highmountain? We don’t know her motives, but she’s also quite obviously picked her side. Geya’rah? Yeah, sure she’s going to be pals with the Alliance who have the Draenei in them twice, the people with a “Convert or Die” mentality, Talanji, she’s surely wanting to buddy up with the people who killed her dad, even Shaman Kiro has reason to hate the Alliance who burned his people and their caravans for no other reason than that they traded with the Horde.

Think you’ll find that Council has far more reason to hate the Alliance than Garrosh ever did. Garrosh was just a 'roid rage beast with daddy issues. That is all he ever was, and he wasn’t even good at that.

Well, let’s face it, they have the same creative writer on Blizzard’s team, who has admitted that her favourite characters are Anduin, Jaina and Baine because of his attitude towards the Alliance

Talk about fan inserts. I mean she even had one of her player characters save Varian Wrynn’s life with her Demon in ‘War Crimes’ I mean that’s even going beyond Nathanos levels…

You’ve not played the game much have you? Play through TBC, then WotLK, Cata, fair enough, they didn’t do anything, but who did? MoP make sure to do the Domination Point Questline to the end, and then to do Thunder Isle, WoD, do the Talador zone, Legion, play the Battle of Suramar, and BfA, Well, they’re all over the place, but play Naz’jatar, to the end.

There is your in game Lore facts.

I mean…it is bigger than a candle, so yeah…I mean…it would be difficult to transport it…A City I mean obviously, not a candle…:stuck_out_tongue:


There is strong magic that can move cities like they did with dalaran but its not like just anyone can do that. We dont get to see how they made it fly but it was probebly not easy and quick thing to do and even tleleporting it took the whole dalaran council and they are very strong magic users that had to work togehter to do it. It would probebly be easier to steal the candles but stealing in silvermoon doesnt seem safe with all the guards and magic golems

Nzoth isn’t a void lord

Why don’t u copy paste your proofs in a well written paragraph. I agree with your thoughts, the way you present them is absolutely unfriendly and hard to understand. :expressionless:


Because of hypocrisy and hive mind (instigated by blizzard) to hate, ridicule, mock the alliance

maybe it is part of a greater conspiracy. I can tell that you are a highly intellectual person like myself so it is not surprising if you can see things other people cannot so be sure to let the world know what you have discovered

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I have not changed anything as this is just some immature kid that pretends to be me and makes personal insults under a fake charachter

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No i do not have anything to fear of that cause unlike you i havent broken the code of conduct and like i have already told you i never insulted you exept from when you started by making insult about me as you are the one who started it by insulting me directly and since i keep having to repeat this even now ones agin proves that alot of it wasnt insults but an accurate decriptions. Yes he have made personal inults as he pretends to make statement under a charachter that he intentionly made to try and trick people into thinking its me and yes it is a personal insult when he is trying to make statement that he is well aware that iam totally against but apperantly you dont get what “personal insult mean”. And yeah like you dont know what you have insulted me with you say im impersonating, you say im copying other and you make accusation that i use a trial account, And you also said “Kim had just started to listen to reason” when you are full ware of that what i have alwasy said have been base on facts so with that statement about starting to listen to reason you made a personal insult against me when the guy pretending to me where writing rubbish when pretending to be me. And no it isnt just one taurens crusade as i have proven several times before and no you have never given lore evidence its i who have given you lore facts. Yes i have played the game alot and we have already been through this wher i have listed all the things that proves they dont pull theyre weight so im not going to keep writing the same list over and over just because you never read the respond anyway or forgets the anwere just minutes after you recived it so you can just scroll up cause im done repeating myself to your immature behavior of pretending not to be able to see the responds i send you over and over.

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Can you please use paragraphs i have poor eyesight and your posts are hard to read and can you also please stop calling people names it is wrong to do so.


Like i said before i dont call names unless people start by insulting me first so its Brigante that should not call people names not me. Im not the one doing anything wrong here so dont lecture me on whats wrong and right

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You call people R word and morons and you can not see anything wrong in that ? i do not see Brig using those words .

What you are doing is wrong very wrong and i was polite to ask you to stop doing it and i was polite in asking you to use paragraphs .You do not wish to fall out with me because if you want to talk lore you would not know what came at you if i started .
You are wrong on so many counts and when called out about it you seek to win by calling others names if you can not debate in a proper manner i suggest you walk away thank you and in future be polite .


I’m not sure you understand what a personal insult is… A personal insult would be calling someone a moron, or saying they can’t speak their own language properly, or insulting their intelligence… Those are personal insults. If as you insist, your alter ego is indeed someone else, then they haven’t actually insulted you, have they? I’ve checked with a Swedish friend, and I think you’ll find your understanding of what an insult is, differs from what the word actually means.

Oh you really do, you really do have something to fear, and you really have broken the code of conduct. You really don’t think calling someone a moron is an insult, but is an accurate description?

No, I do. You have made personal insults to various people in this thread, myself included. No one has made personal insults towards you, You really did instigate this, and as they say, “You reap what you sow”

Yeah, I think you’ll find that is also not a personal insult, but an observation.

Well, for a start, I never said that, that was someone else, and you have never given lore facts, you just keep repeating this mantra that you have proven things several times, when you have not proven anything.

Oh so now it is my memory that is going, is it? Thankfully I can just scroll up and see that you have not actually given any lore facts.

If you could be done with it, that would be fantastic, however I doubt you can be.

Well, I mean, just -once- would have been great.

Yes you did, and you know you did.

I don’t think that is actually true, is it, you call people morons, say they are slow of thinking, that they cannot read, and it is -other- people who have been civil who are the bad people here?

You’d probably do well to heed Daestra’s advice. Have a think about how you talk to other people, and then revisit this discussion with some sensible points.


Again i said i dont do that unless some starts by insulting me so no i dont see anything wrong as the only reason i called him by those words was because he started by writing offensive things to me and if you dont see it maybe check again as he was intentionly writing insults to piss me of wich is exactly why i started respnding to him in that way. And no like i told you before what i did was not wrong at all as i didnt start. And no its not being polite to make accuse someone that they are the one doing wrong when they are not do you know what the definition means?. Dont tell me what i want and not want dont pretend you know who iam and what i want you dont know me there again you show that you are not “polite” by making an accusation like that because i couldnt care less if you start talking lore because i know the lore myself as i have proven several times already. And no im not wrong at any count there again you show you are not polite and i have told you several times already i dont call neames when people are not insulting me in the first place so i have not done anything wrong. And take your won advice and walk away if all you gonna do is insult me instead of acting in a proper manner because i have been polite to you its you who where not polite to me by accusing me of thing i havent done so try being polite yourself in the future.

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Yes i do understand what a personal inulst ius liek when you have made several by for instance showing that you have no respect whatsoever by caling me a troll after i have proven that im not and then you still keep calling me that just to piss me off and insulting me intelligence as you say you keep doing after i several times shown you that i know the lore and they you make accusation about me that i dont and yes it is an inult when someone pretends to be me and make comment pretending to be me and say i agree on thing that iam totally against. And no my understanding of an insult is correct its you who dont see to understand it as you keep pretending that you havent insulted me when you have. No i dont have anything to fear and also dont you think you have anything to fear when you keep calling me a troll after im telling you to stop? cause if you read the code of conduct its says that its against the rules to do such just to pick a fight exactly like you do when you keep calling me a troll even after i proven that im not. Yes you have as you have made several personal insult to me and i would not have done that to you if you didnt start it as i have told you countless times so yes dou do rap what you sow so suits yourself when you get back what you started. Yes it is a persona inult and not an obesrvation.Yes you did as you said that it was one tauren crusade when you decided to bring it up again. and yes i have give lore fact its you who have never done it and yes i have proven it if you knew have to read your responds so you have all the proof you need from me. Yes i have given lore facts and if you scroll up you will find it. Yes it be fantastc if you could be done with pretending not to see the repsond when people give you prof. It wasnt ones it whas several time and you know it. No i dont call names if someone else dont start it as you can see for yourself you started the inults. Yes it is true as i have alraady proven to you you would not have been called that if you didnt insult me first and you have not been civil even ones. And no i dont because its you that shoudl take that advice as you are the one who keeps insisting on inulting me for no reason instead of talking in a civil way.

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Well that jumbled statement went a lot of places. Let’s try and decipher it. I called you a troll once, why do you say I keep calling you one? It was once. I have not insulted your intelligence, in fact I think you will find you are the one who called people several derogatory terms insulting their intelligence. You have shown that you do not understand the lore fully, which is fine, not everyone should. Also you do seem to be confusing yourself here, -if- someone is pretending to be you, that person is not me, so I do not see what relevance that has.

No, it really isn’t.

No, I don’t. Because I called you a troll once, and once only. So I’m not ‘keep calling me a troll’ at all am I? If you do something once and it is not continuous then that is not keeping on doing anything, is it?

Again, that might not be the word you are looking for, I called you a troll once, I have not kept on doing so.

Except that if you scroll up, as you love saying, you will notice that it was not in fact myself who said “one Tauren’s Crusade” I do wish you would read before responding dear chap as I simply never typed that until just now.

The ending is just a ramble, and I’m not sure I have the time or inclination to decipher it.


I asked you to be polite and you use swear words in your post which is not needed and i have reported you for.
So if people insult you the best idea is to insult them back and that makes things better does it ? no it does not at all .

The rest of your post i do not understand at all as its an inane rants with no grammar or paragraphs just a ramble sorry .


There is a lot of history and lore for warcraft now so yes it can be tricky to know it all but if you just play the games you get what you need. I think maybe that is what he needs to do start playing wow and warcraft 3 more to see what the tauren and blood elves are about