That isn’t what an insult is though. And as I say, I’m not the one who has used offensive language in this post, unlike you.
No, you have provided no lore justification for your -opinions- Prove it, come on, here and now, prove it by repeating it, or consign yourself to the fact that you -have- no lore backing you up.
You can’t, can you. You’re going to come back with “I have told you countless times!” or “Just Scroll up!” Because secretly, you know you’ve got nothing.
But it is a bold statement, you claimed to speak for the Horde community and -also- stated that the Horde as in the in game entity did not the Blood Elves in. That is a very bold statement indeed.
Sadly not one you have been able to provide any Lore evidence of though.
So You Can’t. That last part of that sentence also needs taking out back and shooting.
Oh but I can, unlike you I am not afraid to state why.
1.Sylvanas wanted the Blood Elves to survive. She knew the Alliance were attacking the Blood Elves who were neutral at the time. She sends Forsaken to Tranquilien to aid in its reclamation. She also endorses the letter Lor’themar writes to Thrall. So she clearly wanted them in.
- When the player character goes to see Thrall, he also has another bit of info, that Lor’themar is offering Thrall, to sweeten the deal (The letter confirming that there were still living Mag’har on Outlands,which Thrall was unaware of). There and then, without even meeting with Lor’themar, Thrall tells the player character to return home and tell the Regent Lord they are welcome in the Horde.
3.The Blood Elves further prove their loyalty to the Horde by fighting against their own Crown Prince (who has in fairness betrayed them)
In Tides of War, even that bitter racist Garrosh regards Lor’themar and the Blood Elves as the most Loyal of the Horde, and says so.
The Blood Elves do the lion’s share of the hard work in the Domination Point. This is not coincidental, by this point there is open rebellion, the Tauren and Trolls have rebelled. The Forsaken look like they’re likely to be next (as does happen when they rise up and slay the Kor’kron guards), He only has three assets left. Orcs, Goblins and Blood Elves. What he doesn’t realise is that the Blood Elves realise that he is using them as cannon fodder, at which point like Baine and Vol’jin, their loyalty to the Horde comes before their loyalty to a tyrant Warchief. So they go to Thunder Isle instead of doing what Garrosh says, to get weapons to aid the rebellion.
Baine and Vol’jin directly reference this in dialogue at the Crossroads, saying that they need to wait for Lor’themar to return so that the Rebellion can make it’s move. Now why would they think that, if the Blood Elves weren’t an important factor?
In WoD the Blood Elves are the only race of the Horde who commits their forces en masse, all other Horde forces are scattered about in disparate groups.
In Legion, they are the only Horde forces who commit totally to the war (Sylvanas is more interested in grabbing the Soul Lantern) ultimately liberating Suramar, and putting on the charm offensive to the Nightborne, and getting them into the Horde.
Thalyssra and Lor’themar are Azeroth’s newest ‘Power couple’, where one goes, the other will. So No Blood Elves,means no Nightborne, which means the Horde has just massively lost the edge in Magical Warfare, It also means they will have -completely- lost any capability in Thaumaturgic Warfare, as only the Nightborne and Blood Elves know how to make Golems. It also means they lose access to Mana bomb techniques. It would be crippling to the Horde to lose those two races.
Who is in command of the Horde forces in Naz’jatar? Why, that would be Lor’themar and Thalyssra. Are the other Horde npc’s there following their lead without question? Why yes they are. Are they in fact the two people who lead the attack on Aszhara? Why, so they are.
When Sylvanas does her evil Mary Poppins thing and flies off into the skies, it is Lor’themar who initiates the conversation about the future of the Horde, Both Baine and Thrall listen, the three are very obviously the power Triumvirate as the other Horde leaders wait for those three to make a decision, before stepping forwards.
It pretty much looks like Lor’themar is leading the Horde forces in the maw, from cut scenes.
So, have some facts…