Blood elves belong in the Horde

Er, One example. Not several.

Right so you’re saying that you -do- speak for the Horde then? Which is it, you seem confused?

Yes it is? You ae the one who seems to be having ‘fact’ issues here.

Right, you did play it, so what other Horde forces were at the liberation of Suramar? C’mon, you said that there were other Horde forces there, so who were they?

What has the Siege of Orgrimmar got to do with it? Everyone was involved in that one.

Are you saying you have your own special little version of WoW unlike everyone elses, because when you go to the Orgrimmar embassy to start the questline to recruit the Nightborne it is Lady Liadrin that you speak to. Y’know, the same Liadrin who led the only Horde forces in the assault on Suramar, the same Liadrin who made contact with Thalyssra, oh, what race is she again? Oh wait, yes, a Blood Elf.

You can’t have unlocked Nightborne then. You absolutely 100% have to talk to Liadrin to unlock them.

Who else did anything? It was all the Blood Elves.

Come on, tell me what role the Trolls played at the liberation of Suramar, the Orcs? The Tauren? The Goblins? the Forsaken? (Who were at least on the same continent, but were busy tussling with the Gilneans in Stormheim). You can’t can you? Because no other Horde race was there.

You are fibbing now, and doubling down because you know you are wrong.
So come on, you haven’t actually answered this question at all, so you can’t fall back on your usual “It’s up the page, scroll up” or “I’ve told you countless times” answers, because you haven’t answered this question before.

If the Blood Elves played a -small- role in the recruitment of the Nightborne, then who played a major role do you think? What other Horde forces were at the liberation of Suramar? There’s a question you haven’t been asked before, so a question you can’t dodge by telling people to scroll up.

I’d say there is probably a universal inability to read answers that aren’t there…

Oh you’re funny, so they going to force a Faction change on all Blood Elf mains? Can you seriously, even at your most deluded, see that happening?

Oh yeah, totally, as ever, I was being somewhat jovial in my response there, as I generally am towards people who are civil :smiley:

(Excerpt from a future version of Wowpedia) “The Word Elves have a long and ancient history, they pride themselves on their grammar and command of language, this is why in their own speech their name is the Pen’dorei, They do however have a darker aspect, as a shadow fell across their Kingdom of Oh Well’thalas,they will fight to the finish against all opponents who they believe to be false, however they have an insatiable addiction to the same Grammar that gives them their strength, the Punwell proving an invaluable resource to them.”

It is known.


Essentially a hamster wheel yes, but I am in a mercurial and puckish mood, so I keep trying to school someone in their ignorance.

Basically Tauren going “Blood Elves don’t belong in the Horde, and the Horde agrees with me, it’s in the Lore”
“Oh, OK, you got any examples of lore backing that up?”
“Yeah, I told you countless times”
“Err, No you haven’t, do you have any examples”
“It’s not my fault if you’re morons”
“Well look, here are some lore facts about the Blood Elves and their place in the Horde”
“You’re making these lies up”

Everybody else.

“Wow, what the heck is this tauren player on?”

In a nutshell.


We’re behind you on this one.


HEY! In the world of easy offense, I resent this! But I am just a ‘detached playah’ after all, so not a true tauren and no Baine drone.
Although, I do take some personal pride in the later.


:rofl: :joy: :grimacing: Kim/p You’re so wrong on every level. It’s really bad. Could you maybe level a new character to do the quests again, I beg you.

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This is not your casual baiting.

This is Mythic ++ tier baiting.


I would even dare to say it wasn’t Horde related, but the Sin’dorei who had personal interest in Surumar.

I still think that the Kaldorei have done way more for the people of Surumar, fighting on two fronts after all, which is why their dismissal was a keen sting in the heart of the night elf players.

Having a hard time reading your posts as you do not use paragraphs which makes anything you have to say really hard to read.

So in my view unless you can link 100% proff you need to re write it and with paragrahps and until you do i will not bother reading anything from you .

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True, I should have typed ‘A Tauren player’, singular, fair point :stuck_out_tongue:

If they’d kept his original dialogue in and what he did that would have been so cool, so very very cool, throwing open the Great Gate, and standing on his own, daring an Alliance champion to step forward "It took a traitor’s poison on a axe to kill my father, what chance do you think you have against -me!-

Now that would have been cool Baine…

True, seeing a battle of Five Elven armies was pretty awesome, and you’re right, it does seem like a Sin’dorei interest, not a Horde one, as the Horde didn’t send anyone to aid. But still, having it be an all-elven catfight was pretty sweet.

Ehh, I think they did about the same as anyone else for the Suramar situation, There is that Druid who aided with the Arcan’dor growing, but he was specifically Cenarion Circle, could just as easily have been a Tauren, but I think they were definitely going for an Elven theme for Suramar, so it makes sense to have been a neutral Kaldorei.

Lets be fair, we know who to blame for that, and her name begins with ‘T’ and she is notoriously bad at Diplomacy. If they’d sent Shandris in, or possibly even Malfurion, or even better, Jarod , they might not have delivered the same veiled threats and insults that Tyrande did, but then whilst she has many other talents, Diplomacy is not one of them. Jarod should have rocked up and went “Hold my beer, I’ve got this one boss!”


Totally behind you on this one.

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I have already given you the proof so just scroll up like i told you before as i have already given you evidence that support what i say

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You got it wrong its the other way around im right on all levels. And i have not accused anyone that havent inulted me first so no i have not accused anyone that is “innocent”

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No you blood elves dont belong in the horde and you are by far not loyal as you have constantly gone against the horde both in present and in the past. If you find the truth and facts inulting then to bad cause its not an accusations its facts. And its you blood elves that should go join the alliance as you traitors have worked with them before and your shady ways of doing things fits mutch better in with the alliance than with the horde.

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Link the post


Yes its sevreal as you have also inulted my intelligence at several times and saying that im ranting when im not and a bunch of other things i just happen to forgot how short memory you have and didnt think i had to list every insult you made. No im not saying i speak for the horde but i have given you several proof on that the only ones that thinks that blood elves belong are you blood elves yourself. No it isnt as you say is incorrect with the lore. You are the one who brought up siege of ogrimmar in you rant list so ask yourself what it have to do with anything. No im not saying i have my own version of wow and if you would have played through it you would have know that it was the warchief that send you of to recruit the Nighborne. No it wasnt all the blod elves as you have already been proven as several other races was seen. No im not fibbing and doubbling down and no im not wrong as i have already proven in fact the only one doubbling dow here is you by constantly pretending that you dont have the answeres even after i have sent them to you countless times and then you just act immature because you refuse to accept the facts that proves you wrong and yes i have already answered that so stop dodging the question yourself. Yes the answeres already there so you just keep proving my point by refusing to accept the answeres i given you.

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He can’t! Because he knows that we blood elves belong in the horde more than his traitor tauren do!

We blood elves must stand together against those traitor tauren and send them packing to Stormwind and the boy king.

We blood elves are true to the horde! We deserve our place amongst the honourable horde! It’s those treacherous tauren that do not belong!


No im right on every level :stuck_out_tongue:

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scroll up like i told you before

There is nothing there so link the post

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Ha you make it sound like i care if you read my posts or not if you want the answere then scroll like i said before im not gonna repeat an answere i have already given you sevral times so you just prove then that you cant accept facts that have already been given to you in that case. And there you have my point of view

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