Look around. No one but yourself support what you have to say. Stop trying. Nobody believes you.
you already have evidence
Not yet, still waiting
yes there are. look around yourself and you see that no one exept people that play as blood elves believe you
Yes my fellow blood elf does already have the evidence that tauren are traitors and that we blood elves are true to the horde!
yes there are, still scroll up
Flagged you for derailing my topic. Bye bye.
yes you already have evidence that blood elves are traitors and dont belong
i didnt derail it i corrected you as you made insults against the horde so good luck with that
you do realise that you are posting as a void elf??? not as a blood elf??
You should be true to the alliance !
You deign to sully my name- The one given by my tribe, under the glorious gaze of An’she himself, on the top of the great spire in Thousand Needles- , sir?
We’re behind you on this one.
I believe Blood elves are just waiting for the right moment to BETRAY the HORDE.
They betrayed the High Elves and Void elves betrayed them. The betrayal is in thier blood.
That true after all the blood elves have betrayed everyone else they worked with in the past so its really just a matter of time
It was you tauren who betrayed the horde and went running to the boy king!! We blood elves stood firm besides our honourable horde whilst you betrayed us all!
You even betrayed your avatar and hid behind a tauten avatar.
The betryal is in thier blood.
Dear Horde, please keep Tauren, we don’t want them.
- a member of the Alliance
Thanks, we will!
- A member of the Horde.