Blood elves belong in the Horde

Eh, highly debatable.


i wonder how such wise race could join stinking, filthy savages wise enough not to eat their young. Not to mention faction of traitorous murderers and honorless cowards always getting away with their crimes. “But sylvanas forced me to do all of this blah blah blah muh honor” Yes keep blaming her instead of yourself for following her without question like a good dog.
You never belonged in the Horde and never will. When u make new Belf u are neutral with trolls, orks and tauren, which mean they don’t trust you at all. Also it sounds silly and forced for a belf to say “For the Horde”.
What they should do with your beloved belves is to remove them and replace them with ogres and force belf players to play other horde races or go alliance.
Horde never needed “pretty” races. Filthy, honorless, cowardly savages aren’t about being pretty.

Keep ranting mate you’re still not getting Silvermoon. Us blood elves are full lok’tar. Deal with it.

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It would sound even sillier to hear them shout “For the Alliance!” considering, Garithos, Night Elves, Jaina and Vereesa - in that precise order.


Salted popcorn is the real popcorn. You cannot convince me otherwise.

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Posts from a level 20 Allied race=The New posts from level 58 Death Knight…

But to be charitable, despite your comedy name…

We have no evidence as to what Orcs smell like, possibly of sweat and armour polish, so not unlike humans, and surely the fact that they are wise enough not to consume their own young is a selling point, not a negative point. Is there something we are not being told about Stormwind rotisseries?

Again, You’re talking Humans here…

I’m assuming you didn’t read any of the posts about collective guilt and how an unscrupulous leader can use it as a method to bind people to their cause?

Also that you did not play the Horde side quests, or watch the Sylvanas ‘Warbringer’ cinematic, in which case what exactly -is- the point you are trying to make?

I certainly have never belonged to the Horde. It is a made up construction in a fantasy game. -Some- of my characters however are members of the Horde, but they are also fictional characters, I am not deluded, and do not think that I actually -am- my characters.

As for making a new Blood Elf character, a little education goes a long way. You are Neutral with Trolls, Tauren and Orcs (Its Orks in Warhammer 40K, nowhere else) for a really good reason. The Blood Elf starting zone is set post Scourge invasion but prior to Blood Elves joining the Horde. So rather shockingly, the Blood Elves are neutral to the Horde. Amazing how this being a Neutral Kingdom thing works. If only the Alliance had realised that before driving them into the Horde…

Given that they have been in the Horde considerably longer than they were ever in the Alliance of Lordaeron and have -never- been in the current Alliance, not so much!

What a Silly, silly idea.

Void Elf level 20’s really are the new level 58 DK’s aren’t they?

Read some lore.

Then try again.


That’s not the full truth though.

They left the Alliance because they blamed Humans for the destruction the Orcs caused their nation.
The Elves claimed that it was due to poor Human leadership that the Orcs managed to reach Quel’Thalas in the first place.
Orcs that the Elves had barely bothered to offer soldiers to fight against, as they only provided a token military force until Quel’Thalas was attacked directly.
At that point they joined the war in full force.

After the war they blamed the Humans for the losses Quel’Thalas suffered, despite the fact that nothing would remain of Quel’Thalas if it weren’t for the Humans that died defending it because the Elves couldn’t be bothered to help stop the Orcs before they got that far.

In addition to this the Elves weren’t interested in helping support the internment camps Terenas set up to house the orcs.
The Elves wanted all the Orcs killed, but Terenas wasn’t interested in committing a genocide.
The Elves were selfish enough that they let the Alliance suffer the brunt of the Orcish Horde and then left once they didn’t need them anymore.

One of the few who advocated closer ties with the Alliance, was actually Kael’Thas Sunstrider.
He disagreed with his father and wanted the Alliance and Quel’Thalas to remain Allies.
So it must have struck him quite hard that the ragged remnants of the Alliance under leadership of Othmar Garithos suddenly decided they were to be executed.

Not entirely true either, but I will do you the honesty of going, I need to do other stuff tonight, so I will come back to this tomorrow!

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Talking to me?

Just delete yourself pretty please. It’s not even funny anymore. Your threads are just pain …

Guys we need to work together with each other to get what we want :3 High elves and blood elf Customization's - #42 by Tiabeaniee-ravencrest

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Technically lorewise they joined the horde 7 years ago in the wow timeline. They joined in year 26 ADP (after dark portal) which was during the burning crusade. Now we are in year 33 as of Battle for Azeroth that’s 7 years later. For the fans it’s been 13 years of the Blood Elves in the Horde.

You mean we got to work together to get you what you want.

At this point I am so tired of hearing all these Void elf demands all I see is want want want…

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Don’t worry they will not get Quel’thalas. Afterall blood elves are still the main race of Thalassian elves. That won’t change anytime soon.

Remember when Jaina killed any sin’dorei who fought back in Dalaran?

Remember why Varian got furious at her for doing that? That’s right, because he was having talks with Lor’Themar about having the blood elves rejoin the Alliance.

Considering what you believe, you should be thanking Jaina for what she did. :stuck_out_tongue:

We stay in the horde and that won’t change. Lor’themar bleeds red. he has proven it many times.

That’s not what the high elf megathread is about. We’d like fair-skinned alliance thalassian elves. I can only speak for myself, but if void elves get blood elf hair colors and arcane skin for the racial I will be pretty satisfied.

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Well…I mean…yes he does, He’s a Thalassian Elf. They all do that, apart from Void Elves…

I’m joking, I know what you mean.

It’s more probably the case that his priorities are definitely “Quel’thalas, and -then- the Horde” rather than being a true Horde patriot. Its political necessity and Alliance aggression that drove the Sin’dorei to the Horde, not necessarily any deep seated belief in their ideology.

To be fair a High Elf fan legit did state on the thread “And we should get Silvermoon” When people went “Huh, what?” They were actually being deadly serious. If I remember their rationale was “Alleria says she is sure that one day Silvermoon will stand by the Alliance” and then the whisper in her head going “You should claim the throne, it is yours by right!”

Which was hilarious. The former is Alleria saying something she hopes will happen, the latter is -The Void- lying to her! She has no right to the throne anyway! She’s a Windrunner, not a Sunstrider. There are no Sunstriders left alive, so the only person with a legitimate claim at the moment is Lor’themar Theron, and he’s quite happy being Lord Regent, not Sun King (More’s the pity).

But yeah, they legit were demanding Silvermoon within 24 hours of the new Void Elf skins announcement. It was hilarious. I mean no one on either side of the fence, or those sitting on it took them seriously, but they were in earnest.

I’d go further, hair colours, sure, I’d also say some of the hair styles as well, as the thing with the Voidy Ones is that a lot of them look like a Goth who is trying too hard to look dark and mysterious for the first time when they were going to a nightclub (We’ve all been there).

Not sure about an arcane skin for the racial, I suppose a Glyph could make that work, but it would be weird for High Elves to have an arcane skin, when…they’re not exactly -more- Arcane than the Blood Elves.

Personally I think they should have just made them an Allied race, and I had what I think was a corker of an idea for their racial, that was unique to them, but hey ho, it looks like that ship has sailed…

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They will not get it. Blood elves are a full race, Void elves just an allied race. Blizzard knows which population from paying customers is more important to please. I say Silvermoon is save from greasy high elf fans fingers.