Blood Knight armor should be available to all Horde and Alliance races !
The horde can have NE and worgen armor…
Blood Knight armor should be available to all Horde and Alliance races !
The horde can have NE and worgen armor…
I agree, put it on the Trading Post next month.
If youve done the. Qline and are a pally why not
This is a good idea.
I’d rather have that snazzy box you’re wearing.
Its Blood Knight - Blood Knights are an order of blood elven paladins. See the issue? You don’t need everything for every character. Try and leave some uniqueness before you rip all the flavour from the game.
Dark Ranger armor ?
You can buy the tbc bloodknight set both horde and Alliance
It fits well with the blood knight tabard and the shield that drops from hellfire citadel I love this mog I’m wearing now.
You can get the same model in Dalaran at a pvp vendor. The colour is diffrent but that’s all you get. The bloodknight set should only be available for bloodknights.
And the warden set is for Night Elf wardens… and the blood troll set for blood trolls… oh wait.
So no one then? we don’t have NE wardens… nor Blood Trolls… but we have BE paladins.
Those sets should have been restricted to Night elf and troll if it’s about “lore” otherwise there’s no reason to keep other “lore” sets locked. (Would even support that, but guess its too late to add restrictions.)
Let me stop you before you say something else silly. That set is NOT for Blood Elves but instead ONLY for blood elf paladins. Just… those… that’s it.
Now… tell me more about the warden set and and trolls again?
Warden set is for NE and troll set for trolls. What’s there not to understand about it? Maybe we don’t officially have the sub group, but they should have at least locked it to the race if they lock other sets for “lore reasons”. Restricting one mogg while not restricting others is inconsistant.
All should be locked. Lore needs to be protected and all clown sets deleted from the game or resticted to holiday events inside capitals, that would be more immersive.
How did the lich king resurrected you? shouldn’t our souls go to the twisting nether?
Are you a demon? Ôo
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