Blood moon is the worst pvp design ever

0 fun ! 0 tactic ! totaly brainless desing …

and yet we come all back to it, isn’t it fun? :wink:

blizz drops BM again and casters are still obnoxious. Maybe nerf ranged damage from ranged classes by a significant amount so melee can actually play?

Well not all ranged classes do crazy dmg…we need specific abilities balanced either buffed or nerfed.

as a melee i get pummeled by 3s casts that do at least double the damage of an auto+seal+judgement gcd. that is worse for rogue/warrior.

I dont know man ret does some insane dmg not gonna lie…
It lowkey looks like bugged to me no1 else hits me that hard…(except boomie starfire 3k crits)
I mean the burst is just insane, in 1 second half ur health disapears

Given the ret is ontop of you, and even then any class with mobility can shake a ret very easily off. Steed is only 45s CD and lasts for 3 pathetic seconds. It is an uphill battle against mages, locks who create distance with DC/Fear/FG stun, boomies, shamans just to mention a few.
If you can outheal them then you can also win because 99% they will have tremor totem on legs.

A majority of forum dwellers literally suffer from a skill issue vs paladins, reroll alliance and play into busted hero class and you will see the massive skill and effort difference it takes compared to flameshock/root/wolves/riptide/ES and Shamanistic Rage.

Edit: lets actually fix the massive imbalance of damage vs healing in pvp, because priests and druids are superior to shamans and paladins in PvP and it isn’t even close. Or the fact ranged classes have instant casts or 3s casts that do more than most melee.

Well u can always play shockadin :stuck_out_tongue: busted asfk.
And i dont think ret has many problems on reaching ppl,15sec cd on slow is huge and mount on combat and bubble for 12 seconds i mean if u cant kill any1 wiht these cds u are kinda bad, its like impossible!
There is an imbalance not gonna lie but lets not portray Paladin as the worst class.
Lock is suposed to be the dot class and have the worst dots in the game, i mean druid is the new dot class.
Just remember my curse of agony first tick hits for 79 or smth then 115 every 3seconds lol.

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