Blood Troll - Zandalari or Darkspear Troll

Good Evening,

I’ve been trying to make a Blood Troll DK for a while now (Roleplay wise a blood troll), whom was raised into undeath during the whole recent crop of allied race DKs… However, I cannot quite figure out how I would do it, a regular troll model or a zandalari troll model.

Any help here would be great and thoroughly appreciated!

darkspear atleast if you judge by bodies.

First off, whoa 11 days ago, that’s been quite a while before you got a response.

Secondly, I would suggest you’d be better off using a Darkspear for your Blood Troll Death Knight.

First off, model and appearance-wise you’d be closer to the blood troll model seen ingame.

Secondly, Darkspear death knights can use a white(!) skintone, couple that with the red tattoo’s that are coming and you’re pretty close to an actual blood troll!

I’d suggest the “Darkspear” model too. It is an obvious choice for a male and fine for a female blood troll (even if it’s not perfect).
Luckily in Shadowlands “normal” trolls will receive really nice body and face paint options which makes them superior compared to the zandas when it comes to OOC race for a blood troll.

Here’s my blood witch with the new options:

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