Bloodhoof Alliance Reconnections

Hello all, Maidokilla the Rank 14 Hero of the Alliance here, ex Forbidden Blades, Morningstar and of course Gatekeepers. Good old times, kudos to all the good horde souls we harvested during the rank 14 race madness o7


Keep dreaming :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh come on, not bitter end, the only bitter thing is not being able to kill kel’thuzad that damn last night before TBC.

Your man here is correct as far as I remember :slight_smile:

Dobin / Hacksaw, Nelf Rouge, played with Chosen Ones in vanilla, Gatekeepers in Burning Crusade, and JPF in Wrath

Ossy was my mentor in GK :grinning:

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So many recognisable names! Is the old forum still around to discuss realm names etc?

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Japetus (Lûgon now), Gatekeepers, Druid. Joined the guild very early on, was best known as Frosty (Rogue) with the old gatekeepers and Japetus (Druid) with the middle and newer Gatekeepers memebers. Hey all :slight_smile:

Hawky (Gnome Mage). Circle of Blades
Any other CoB players around?

Oh and a big shout to the boys and girls if any are still about.

rifFAGe. Love you bro.

Enwen Priest Gatekeepers. Nice to see lots of familiar faces.

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Deedlit here!

I used to play A Night Elf hunter during vanilla on Bloodhoof.
Raided with the guild , and did tons of pre-made pvp with the likes of Maidokilla, Dawgdeelux, Ossy (The two of us mecilessly defended the stables in Arathi Basin!), Masfryn, Kyris, Zipi, Charade, Tharanduil.

There are so many more I’d love to mention, buts its been a while and im growing Senile xD


Those were times!

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Absolutely! Hope you are doing well :slight_smile:

Deedlit here (Night elf Hunter)

I remember raiding naxx 40 with you in Morningstar :slight_smile:

So yeah, i remember the guilds mentioned here. Saw a lot of people of GK, NOS and Morningstar running around.

I was in JPF as a warrior “Slather” and rogue “Flippy”. I remember a guy called DocHolliday as RL.
I did some PVP with my rogue some time later in a guild called “you are in combat”, but as i did a name change every 2 months i dont remember my name anymore.
I do remember that there was a orc shaman in pvp called something with "scar"something and a undead rogue who ganked the entrance at BlackRock Mountain, he made some movies about it. Gingi something i think.

Also was in a guild “after midnight” with some RL friends and colleagues

Hey guys !
Dengo here , Human paladin i was in Knights of the immortals and Imperial alliance later on .


What a fantastic idea!

If anyone remembers me it will be ether this toon “Darkernst” (Dwarf Hunter) or my holy priest “Asklepios” (Nightelf)

Was not in a massively high end well-known raiding guild but I did pretty much clear, MC, AQ20, Ony & I do remember clearing ZG and dabbling in BWL.

Never actually acquired any tier though =[

Started in:

  • Brotherhood of dragons with my friends.
  • Moved to Blazing dragons.
  • Merged with We happy few
  • Ended up in Imperial alliance just before the end of vanilla.

I remember GK well always looked at the toons sat in there T3 in IF or SW and wished I could have such nice things lol

I was mostly on the 5-man scene and typically known for my kiting skills on my hunter in UBRS on the last boss.

Two particular people I highly respected however were “Randomeyes” (Human male holy priest) & his wife, “Cystalblade” (Human female warrior tank) They used to run We Happy Few before disappearing just before the end of Vanilla.

Would love to hook up with some of the oldies when it goes live.

I will be playing Holy priest again with the aim to finish everything I wasn’t fortunate to conquer, armed with more knowledge than I had then, I have a great understanding of Holy as I have mained it in many expansions since.

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I was in the Sons of Gondor back in Vanilla , i was mostly on either my Night Elf rogue Daredevli or my human pally Boramer also had a hunter called Anomanous.

Oh yes, life is good. The years are taking its toll on us all though. :stuck_out_tongue: You to I hope?

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Slaving myself to death with work life, and I’m just hoping to cash in on the eurojackpot, so I can get back to max slacking again :stuck_out_tongue: Other than that, I’m still as big of an airhead as I was back then. Hard to “git gud” now that I’m old though xD