In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Bloodhoof in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Good luck finding your former mates!
I played a nelf male called Hitashi, played in MUP Manic Under Pressure and if I remember correctly Gatekeepers was the best guild on alliance side. Anyone still around that might remember me?
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Just re-subbed, playing when I can and plan to play Classic… was in various guilds Gatekeepers for a while in TBC.
Leslie/Lewcie/Lillew any variant of that 
I remember you both! Seaker here from some little guild GK if I remember correct.
Going hard on classic as I did back then, that is if I can find a decent guild to be apart of. Get the feeling I wont be so lucky as I was. Every server first and rank 14 hard to match. My nelf butt going to try though. Only person I still speak too is Tharanduil/Wolfson (sp?) he is coming back too and hopefully many more.
I remember Lewski (i think) and Seaker for sure.
I was a human mage, Charade. Played in Morningstar for quite a while.
I’m still in contact with a few people from back in the day such as Zipi, Tarandor, Prizzt and Kuningas for those who remember these names 
A lot of familiar names here
I’m still playing the same Paladin which I played in vanilla. I was also in GK. Can’t wait for the classic launch 
Riffage, Gatekeepers, Night Elf Resto Druid. I remember you all guys. Lets get it going in vanilla again or what? Cheers (I might bring Veno)
sounds like a great idea!
Pacer, Dwarf, Paladin
I played in Judean Peoples Front (JPF) in vanilla, later joined Gatekeepers in wrath and Novus Ordo Seclorum in Cataclysm.
I would love to catch up and perhaps play with some of the old boys and girls I played with.
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Haege, Human, Warrior Tank.
Was one of the founders of Novus Ordos Seclorum (vanilla) when it began, also played with Gatekeepers.
Tharanduil here hunter nelf played a lot of pvp with Seaker and the team back then was in Morningstar mostly then late 60s was in GK
I remember almost everyone that has posted so far
Ossy, GK, Rogue. Was in GK from the start until the bitter end. I remember everything. I was there for everything.
Anyone from Imperial Fist still around (or back for classic!)?
Played since vanilla release, same character, although more alive before I defected to be a dirty horde 
Domagoj, Paladin, Gatekeepers
and I played wow with almost everyone who posted above me, I cannot believe you are all coming out of your caves! :).
Dillon - Gatekeepers
I was the 2nd oldest person on Bloodhoof (Wolfclaw was the oldest). Also Riffage was never in GK he was in Wild Girls.
Hello old friends 
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A lot of big names and guilds but I guess I’ll represent:
Kongers - Nelf Warrior - Chaotic Eternum. Shoutout to my boy Grimgreg - Dwarf Paladin.
Another name i recognise 
I recognise your name. I left just before you arrived in GK. Around the C’Thun clear. (I was there for the wipe weekend but not the final clear)
Wonder if people like Kai, Mike, Splatt, Nexuss etc are still around
Namze, The Outcasts. Dwarf rogue. Old friends I hope to play with again are
- Voodoodoll
- Fajnsemas
- Saprano
- Ppl from BokkeRijders
- Ppl from The Outcasts
By the way. Wasn’t Novus Ordo Seclorum the #1 guild and not GK?
In Vanilla GK was the best guild and Morningstar second best for a while. That was until some people from GK and Morningstar formed a new guild (Exile I believe?), who went on to become the new second best.
Correct me if I’m wrong, it’s been a really long time 
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