In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Bloodhoof in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Hey guys, I played a troll rogue named Jahmin back in the day, in a handful of guilds (namely Phoenix Circle, First Legionary Cohort, and then Stormwatchers) up until TBC. Anyone I know still around? Still remember a few names thinking back; Crosschaser, Onay, Baka/Chau, Ashankt, Khalia, Dwarfwarrior, to name a few, and who the hell could forget the almighty Yooj.
Any Minions of Ensslin members? Specifically Ensslin herself of course, but any one of you still alive drop some replies here!
Venombolt / Deryl / Necropolis / Hath / Netherlord whichever you know me as.
I was in that guild for a few months on this character, all about that Thelsamar raid lol. As for Ensslin, I believe she quit the game a very long time ago and don’t know about the other names in your list.
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Those other names are my chars xD
Other names from the guild were Goosebogey, Tallula, Niel(?), Spike(?) oh god so many more I’m forgetting, so ashamed ><
Deryl (Paladin) tanked in Naxx (WotLK) with them and Venombolt (Rogue) was my main in classic/TBC
Searching for Tainted Souls members from Vanilla/TBC - Where art thou?!
Come hooooooome!
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Midd Orc Warrior
The Lurking Woods / Escapism
Dam anyone still around from the old teams? Any of the wood’s still kicking about? Ramsbams / Gron / Dynamopaul / Xeos?
Weird seeing people mentioning Tainted Souls / FLC and such. Has it really been this long!
i give you one guess on who i was back in tainted souls 
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How’ve you been Ash? Any plans for classic?
@Midd, last woods standing 
I didnt think id see any of you still standing! Hows the gang? You still in contact with the lads? I havent talked to mule in years!
I have some vague memories of you being more… Troll. 
Hey all, haven’t got any concrete plans for classic yet but it’d be good to catch up with anyone who I’ve not spoken to for a while or anyone I haven’t got on b-net. (Pre-cataclysm I was undead but same character)
There’s bound to be quite a few since I am a Bloodhoof dinosaur. One person I would like to chat with again is a melee troll hunter named Tinspear. Anyone remember this guy?
Hey I used to play an orc warlock called Mancunion in Burning Crusade days. Anyone remember me?
you may be thinking of dwarfhorror? I think I did ZG with him once or twice.
And @Malpheron I remember you because we were in the same guild. Rose.
Wait, isn’t your name Craig? Pretty sure I have you on Facebook (as Will)
That name certainly rings a bell. I was Hirotoro in TBC. Tauren warrior. did a lot of pvp.
In WotLK I was Lunarclaw, a feral druid in the guild Escapism. I don’t remember many names. I had a DK tank in the guild called Anikilator, who I remember because we didn’t always see eye-to-eye. I DPSed (as kitty) Ulduar, but in Naxx before that I was bear tank.
Switched to Rose for Ulduar–> ICC iirc.
We had a bear tank called Argonat and a priest called Ilumynja. I usually was hanging out with a friend (at the time) called Ferny / Aliora.
I remember having fun fighting this hunter in wintergrasp called Ssylar!
Parazited. Now that’s a name I remember. Ah, yes, The Immortal Kings ca. 2005.
Seems I was in TIK long after you left. I was there in 2007.
You later ended up in Casualness for a couple years? Some of my alts are still sat there to this day. I met the guild leader and some guildies for drinks in London once.