If anybody from Bloodhoof is playing on Nethergarde and want to hang out with some other old Bloodhoofians (mostly from Pulse right now), feel free to whisper anyone from, well, Pulse, in-game. (But mostly Shobi or any character that ends with a variation of “ogos”)
(No, this is not he original Dimwinkle. I stole his name. GNOMERCY)
Yooj, he never talked to me either back then, as I didn’t talk to anyone too. I know nothing of him. Also, I don’t remeber anythig about Maygen, the name just doesn’t ring a bell despite me being an alliance pve player with my rogue doing runs with the GKs
Hey Rev! Man it’s been long, how are things? Playing classic?
I’ve ended up playing on Gandling, orc warr named Serker.
Hey! Quite a few old faces here All good here, hope you all are good too! I am currently on Flamelash as Imo with a few people from Novus and my brother. Let me know your battle ids!
im also on flamelash reliving the momories as undead rogue… rbll#2874 add me mate
Hey guys. Varashi here, R14 fury warrior from Blood Cult
Seeing some familiar names here. Any other old Blood Cult peeps here?
I’ll be playing on Noggenfogger EU, waiting for my wife to join me before starting levelling the trusty warrior again
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i remember you and Tossaxx carried me trough a few dungeons when i was a lowbie!
Anyone from blood cult playing classic
Get yourselves to flamelash. Tainted Asylum Horde with 133+ members. Come join us for fun times. /w me in game for an invite. asylum.minxi.live
Nice thread, remember alot of names.
Used to play my Troll Shaman called Legenden, in hug me harder with tiggress troll female priest as guildleader.
And who could forget Yooj like someone said, the rank 14 tauren shaman if i dont remember wrong, online 24/7 entire 2006. Still think it was a bot from time to time haha.
And also all those big guilds like tainted souls, blood cult, we arr pirates, bloodstorm (? think it was something like that but nobody mentioned it), escapism, hug me harder, etc.
But mostly I remember the alliance realm dominating guilds like gatekeepers and morningstar. Remember the first of them killed c’thun and cleared aq40 like 3 months before the second guild on the realm.
Progress-wise, bloodhoof where far behind the best progressing realms, alliance was also very dominant like 70/30 i remember. But a great time with alot of nice players to talk and play with.
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Wow all those pvp names from back in the day do ring loud bells. Played enh shammy back then - Varen. Low profile player and never got beyond champion if I remember correctly. But yeah, good times