Bloody token - what for?

What do we do about bloody tokens now? In DF it can be used to buy other stuff that helps world pvp apart from the items. Now it is just Epic gear and done, you can only buy the world PVP items with honor now. I thought the purpose of this currency is to promote open world PVP (don’t argue, I am just playing on a Thursday in the middle of the day, I fight people non-stop in PVP quest zone for well over an hour, so it is not dead by any means). Is there any other use that I am not aware of? Or they are just useless now once you maxed out on PVP gear.

Is there any particular reason for not making it tradeable like honor? Or make it convertable with honor or some other rewards…it is just a number sitting in my PVP tab, waiting to be deleted in the new season.


The progression they made with World PVP in Dragonflight was 5 steps forward from Shadowlands. Sadly The War Within took 2 steps backwards, which is why they are so useless right now.

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