Blue ! and ? over npc-heads in-game

What do they mean those blue ? and !.

Think it has to do with repeatable and daily, but i dont particularly know this.

Yes, repeatable quests have blue ! And ?

And there is no distinction between those letters ?

The ! Is the daily you have not done yet even once. The ? Is daily that you completed some other day and you can repeat it now

Sometimes blue ! can only be done once a day.

? can be turned in many times but doesn’t count towards your daily cap nor does it count towards your daily quest achievement. ? turn-ins also often don’t give much gold/xp.

If you can repeat a “daily” quest in the same day it becomes a blue ?. If it is a one time per day only it is a blue !.

Probably not relevant, but the very same blue ! is also a sign for weekly quests that can be done only once a week.

The OP is trolling again. They do this every few weeks.

They have had an account for many years.

The forum discussions are meant to help among other things.
Still, I’m sometimes amazed how much the times changed from when I was new to WoW.
Back then, I thought it excessive to use forum discussion for something trivial as meaning of blue exclamation and question mark on quest givers.
Then again this might be OP’s thought on how clever they are with this trolling attempt.

Nonetheless, I will play the role of insufferable douche-bag, and pronounce for all possible newbies clueless about basic features of the game, learn to help yourself on your own by using sites like wowpedia.

(I would even post direct link to - wowpedia.fandom “dot” com/wiki/Quest#Repeatable_quests - but the forum won’t let me so you have to deal with the “dot” part of the link by yourself.)

I believe you can manage at least that much.

It is amazing why you arent being moderated for slander by blizz. I am not trolling at all, it is an honest question.

How you can play since 2014, not know this?

How many things are there to know in the game ?

“Play since 2014”, idk what you are reading but just because someone paid some subscription in 2014 and thus got an avatar or whatever it is back then doesnt mean that that person has played in 2015/16/17(18/19, etc, You are assuming, which is not good at all.

The correct question is how can someone play any video game in 2022 without knowing where to search for and find the answers on the internet.

I look in Armory. Se Rivendale have played on and off since 2014. He is level 50. And do 3000 Quests and 200 Daily Quests. Do lots of Dungeons and raids too. I think how can Rivendale not know what is blue ! and ?

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So stupid…

You aren’t that bad.

How can you know how bad I am ? You are just here to agitate, which Ive said many times before.

Now hold on to your horses here. There is nothing wrong with asking a question related to the game in the official forums. If you don’t want to answer, you don’t answer. And to add to that… doing background checks on players like Sherlock Holmes doing a crimescene, is just insane. It is not healthy.

I remember the name, which is why I answered the way I did and knew they have been playing on and off for quite a few years. They have done many dailies so should know what the blue quest markers are.

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I smell an account purchase…

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