Blue dragonscale


I am currently trying to craft some old transmog items, but some of them require blue dragonscales. However, it seems that with the disappearance of the blue dragonswarm, the only place where you can now get them is from Chromaggus, who drops 1 scale per run.

Is this true or does anyone know of any other sources for this item?

I believe that Chromaggus is the only source as of now as you used to be able to get them from UBRS as well but since they revamped that dungeon in WoD, I am not a 100% if you can still get them from that location or not, but I don’t think you can. There are also two rare winterspring mobs that can give you blue draconscales when you skin them, however, the chances of them spawning and dropping the items is very low. Well, here they are anyways:

I would suggest looking at the auction house periodically because you might be able to find them being sold at low prices, and that is probably the fastest way apart from just farming Chromaggus.

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Thank you for very much! :slightly_smiling_face:

I think you are right, checking the auction house from time to time is probably the best way.

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