BM best item in slot for MM+

Hi !

I’m looking for a list of the BIS items for BM hunt in dungeons MM+. I only found bis for raiding so far so I figured maybe you guys know :))

Thank you very much !


Tbh use the AoE azerite essence as your major and make sure you have at least 1 Rapid reload trait on your azerite armour, thats pretty much it.

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i don’t see top raider io players use the rapid reload trait

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Fine the instead of asking here go read a guide, maybe one day you’ll be a top end raider.


Using one trait of Rapid Reload, is good. Get 3 Dance of Death’s and two of Primal Instincts,

I don’t fully know what is BIS in all the dungeons, but the waist, ring and trinket are really good from SoB, the Boon trinket in SoTS is really good aswell. That being if you don’t raid and just look for items in dungeons. There obviously are more items, but the best you can do is just look through the dungeon list and the loot it drops. If you know your class, you’ll know what to look for. You can always use Icy Veins if you need a quick lookup. Or just chase the top Rio people i guess.

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Then youre looking at the wrong people, or they are in raid gear

You want 3 primal, 2 dance, 1 rapid reload for most dungeons.

3 primal is better for M+ the extra mastery and 100% uptime on big pulls is to good… you can make an argument for 3 dance in ST dungeons such as Workshop, otherwise you always want 3 primal.

The trinket from SoB is more a ST upgrade, you’ll want harlans from FH, better AOE.

And the shrine trinket is only good in theory and sims, in practice, its very poor.

Its hard to say bis list. It’s more you want a stats distribution thats something like
55%ish Crit
30%ish Haste
40-50%ish Mastery
No vers

So quite a few item are interchangable depending on your coreuptions and other items you may have
Skitra bow - Skitra
Vita charge - Raden
Harlans - FH
Rings you’ll want from Mechagon, haste proc ones with either 3 different attacks, or attack from behind.

1xRapid reload

For corruptions
3-5 Severe
2-4 Expidient
1-2 Masterful
1 Whsipered truth (Skitra bow) In terms of pure damage this can be changed for Nzoth gun for the extra ilvls…

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