BM Hunter: Kill Command resets fights immediatly and pet threat is minimum

I’m a long time BM hunter and always trying to adjust to latest changes for class. From this day or yesterday onwards though I’ve been encountering two new ‘features’ or bugs rather.

  1. If I attack any mob with Kill Command first, the mob will reset itself and bosses also. I’ve been searching if anyone else is having same issue? Seems that some 10 years ago there is a thread in MMO-CHAMPION about it, but nothing recent. I have to attack with autoattack or some other skill first as a starter in fights. This happens everywhere.

  2. Another bug or feature is that my tenacity pet or any other pet won’t keep aggro or generate threat even in misdirection. I know that in TWW pet aggro and pet health has been an issue when one hits lvl80. But this is new, in delves I notice that pet is like in passive mode attacking and mobs won’t aggro to pet even with misdirection and all mobs start hitting first Bran and then me. I can outlevel and kill mobs till delve +9 but after that their dmg is pretty tough. When pet could keep aggro I could do +11 delves and ? Zekvir. Now those are out of question.

What is going on? These two new ‘features’ are really bugging me. Anyone else having these issues? Seems like pet is stuck in passive and can’t use Kill Command anymore as a starter of rotation.

that’s right, pets don’t hold agro against to many mobs.

Looks to me like the problem with pet aggro is Mend Pet. Only started to notice it once I was doing Tier 8+ Delves on my Hunter. When you have to keep using Mend Pet on cooldown, basically.

All that pet healing we are doing is generating insane threat at such large health numbers and it heals at least both of our main pets. Healing threat is escalating in a way that I doubt is intentional.

When Misdirection ends, the healing threat just jumps up immediately and you usually aggro everything except the single target that your pet has been taunting.

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