BM Hunter macros

So another one i d like some help. its tiresome playing for hours and pressing button after button. i had tried to use macros but i cant understand it at all. could anyone help? i PVE almost always
my talents are:
killer instict
one with the pack
natural mending
murder of crows
aspect of the beast

my usual attacks/buttons i use are
kill command
cobra shot
barbed shot
concusive shot
counter shot
multi shot
bestial wrath
and murder of crows

thought of also using tar trap, misdirection and intimidation although i havent done it yet.

I did read the part in icy veins about macros but didnt get it sorry.

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Not entirely sure what you’re after here.

But anything you’ve mentioned above regarding talents and abilities that you have, are used individually.
You can’t press them at the same time due to the global cooldown(triggered whenever you press one of most abilities, the global cooldown lasts for around 1.5sec).

Certain things can ofc be done with castsequence-macros but I wouldn’t recommend for you to start with such, this early.

Some helpful macros for you as a hunter though:

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [@focus,help][@pet,exists]Misdirection

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@focus,help][@pet,exists]Misdirection

The macros above here, are used to make your Misdirection-ability easier to handle.
They basically allow you to cast Misdirection in order to transfer threat onto a friendly unit of your choice without having to switch targets.

The first one will, when used, make you cast Misdirection on any friendly unit that you have set as your Focus target.
If you don’t have one, then Misdirection will be automatically cast onto your own pet.

The second one is the same as the first, just that it has one more condition.

With this one, the first priority is that:
If you have your cursor placed on top of a friendly unit/character or a unitframe(party/raidframe) then Misdirection will be automatically cast on that unit once you press the ability. If your cursor is not placed over any friendly unit then this macro will work like the one above.

If you have a Spirit Beast as a pet(exotic pet, BM specific) then the following macros can also be useful:

#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [target=mouseover,help,exists,nodead][@player]Spirit Mend

#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [@player]Spirit Mend

#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [@pet]Spirit Mend

These ones are meant for the Spirit Mend-ability that all Spirit Beast s come with once tamed. The ability itself is an instant heal + heal-over-time effect that can be used on any friendly unit of your choice. Keep in mind that the cast range of this ability is only 25 yards max.

Much like the macros further up, the first one here has a ‘mouseover’-condition. Which just means that you can place your cursor over a friendly unit or unitframe and the ability will be automatically cast even if you haven’t targeted said unit.

If the cursor is not placed over a friendly unit then Spirit Mend will be automatically cast on yourself(the player).

The last macros are the same, just without the ‘mouseover’-condition included.
Use whichever you want depending on how you want to utilize the heals from the ability.

If you’re not sure about how to create a macro, just do the following:

  1. Hit Escape(open your game menu) and click on the Macro menu-button.

  2. Click on ‘New’ to create a new macro.

  3. In the new window, add a desired name for your macro. You can also choose an icon if wanted but…no need.

  4. Copy/paste any of the examples I’ve mentioned above and click ‘save/accept’ in order to finalize your macro.
    My recommendation is that you first try with a Misdirection-macro.

  5. Left-click and drag your macro(icon) down to your actionbars and assign it to a desired hotkey. If it’s placed in a slot without a hotkey already bound to it, you will want to do that as well.

  6. Done. Use the macro as you want.


Mate i knew i could count on you! lol Thanks a lot. I did managed to create a macro for my pet attack (i think its working i m gonna test a bit more) and i ll use the one you said too.
The thing i wanted to do, if it was possible, was to make a macro with at least 2 or 3 attacks so i can use less buttons.
For now i ll stick to what you said, but i will try to learn about macros in general.
Btw i cant decide if i should go to legion and then kul tiras as quickly as i can and get there the bfa pathfinder first (it could help with getting much more gold - first month i managed to get a sky golem and a token lol - and probably get better armor and staff) or stay at draenor finish the pathfinder here, then legion and then bfa… i m at 101lvl right now. Really cant decide…
How can i add you to my friends? lol Thanks again

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No problem!

By this, you mean a macro that let’s you control what your pet is attacking?

If that’s what you’re talking about, it’s all good. Though you also have a regular keybind function for your pet attack-command. Meaning you do not need to have a macro for that purpose.

Go to:
Game Menu(Esc) → Key Bindings → Targeting → 5th one from the bottom of the list. Called “Pet Attack”.

If this is not what you were thinking of then…my bad :slight_smile:

Technically, you can do something like this(Castsequence-macro):

Keep in mind that due to the global cooldown tied to pretty much all abilities that you have(especially offensive attacks and regular major cooldowns and such), you can not use several abilities at the same time.
It will always require multiple button clicks to cast multiple spells/abilities.

The macro is just something I made as I’m writing this reply. I’m by no means an expert on castsequence-macros so…I’m sure there are others out there who could build in more conditions and modifiers to make it more useful than this. But anyway, here’s how it works:

#showtooltip Barbed Shot
/castsequence Barbed Shot, Kill Command, Cobra Shot

The macro collects 3 different abilities that you have

Barbed Shot which shoots at your current target.
It also has a built-in charge mechanic tied to your pet if its within range of the target(max 40 yards).
If you have Bestial Wrath on CD then Barbed Shot will also remove a portion of that CD every time it’s used.
And lastly, Barbed Shot will give your pet a buff called Frenzy for 8 seconds which increases your pet’s attack speed by 30%(can stack up to 3 times).

Kill Command which is your high damage-ability on a short CD. Also has a built-in charge mechanic tied to your pet(max 50 yards).

Cobra Shot which is a basic Focus spender that does some damage and reduces the remaining CD on Kill Command by 1 second every time it’s used.

By using the above macro multiple times in a row, you will automatically cast the various abilities tied to the macro. In the order that they are typed in that is.

Click 1 = Barbed Shot
Click 2 = Kill Command
Click 3 = Cobra Shot

The tricky part is that your Focus level determines how many times you can quickly press the macro/ability without it failing.

Also, several of the abilities built in have a cooldown time, which means that the macro will fail to execute the next queued up ability until it comes off cooldown.

So, how could you utilize this while leveling?

I would recommend for you to have 2 other abilities placed near the macro on your action bar to keep track of.

Bestial Wrath which has a longer cooldown time. But gives you extra damage.
A Murder of Crows which is a talent option that is very good both for leveling as well as just in general.

Prioritize using the above mentioned abilities first. And after that, feel free to use the castsequence-macro repeatedly. Once the 2 abilities above comes off CD again, just use them.

Final note:

I would highly recommend for you not to rely on castsequence-macros. They take away much of the learning process where you figure out how abilities work and how you best want to use them.

They can also make it harder for you to keep track of all the abilities that are built in to them. As in, keeping track of available Barbed Shot stacks or cooldown, or the cooldown of Kill Command etc.

And like I mentioned above, Focus as a resource can make it tricky to work with such macros. They are easier for classes that have a resource which does not get depleted as quickly.

In my opinion, focus on leveling up first. Continue with the current content(BfA). You can always go back and finish the stuff connected to prior expansions later on.


I heard you. already i am Legion and trying to get to 120lvl. Although i have to say after getting all pathfinders and getting the draenei and dwarf’s allied races, seeing all these characters developing from vanilla till now and being lvling so vast, missing so much of the story, i do think i ll change hijodelaluna’s class, and start a new hunter from scratch and doing everything, experience everything (well i have a long way till then :joy:) Reading so many people following spesific storylines and stuff makes me wonder

You were right about the macros. even the one with misdirection you said ttook my focus there and i had my pet dying very easy or even my health go below 20%. Maybe you are right for my focusing in all this (although it my be my new gaming mouse, never had one and all this buttons… lol) And my petattack like i said i show that didnt work exactly as planned so i removed it. But i will give a try the 3 shots macro you told my in the end.

Again mate you were very helpful!

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I agree that the leveling process of todays WoW could be improved upon. Not just because of fast leveling capabilities but also because many of the stories tend to make less sense as time goes on and more story is being built into the game’s development going forward.

Meaning, some chapters of the game’s current overarching story doesn’t make sense even if you take the leveling aspect out of it all.

I guess there’s an element of individual preferences when it comes to this.
But I would recommend for you to make use of more keyboard-specific hotkeys rather than binding everything to your mouse buttons.

Using two hands simultaneously for performing actions including movement(preferably with the main mouse buttons I would say) while also focusing on offensive actions and shots etc with your other hand is probably the easiest way to get the hang of things.

Not saying that playing with a mouse that you can use for pretty much all abilities, that it isn’t a decent way to play. I know several who uses mice such as.
But I would still recommend you to try moving some actions away from your mouse onto your keyboard.

You could try to keep only longer cooldown-based abilities on your mouse as well as some defensive abilities/utility while moving offensive abilities onto the keyboard.

Go ahead, see if it works well for you while leveling :smiley:

I only included the more…spammy, stuff in that macro. As you saw, the longer CDs I would recommend for you to keep separate from such macros, at least for now.

Glad I could help!


Well as i talked with some guys in a general discussion topic i opened earlier today, i decided that i will keep this one and i will finish all pathfinders with this plus i ll go get the 2 allies races i care more draenei and dwarf.
After that i ll start a new one from scratch and before hitting the next expansion i ll go freeze my exp… I had forgot i could do that…! So i ll have a hunter farming and one doing EVERYTHING lol.
After i reach 100 with the new one, i ll change the old to survival to check that spec too.
Of course i ll play my other alts from time to time.
Oh is there a addon or something that show every quest i havent done yet? So i ll go for the loremaster!
I havent put a single attack or anything in my mouse, i m trying to get used to it for now. Feels so heavy and big when my old one was a small cheap one lol

There is. Several actually.
I don’t have a name to give you though as I’ve never used one.

Check any addon website for quest-related addons.

Sorry for the late reply btw. Been busy with work for the past week.

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