BM Hunter + Resto Druid looking for a home

Hi to whom is reading :slight_smile:

As the tile says, we are looking for a home. We started this expansion quit late but already 410+ geared.

We are looking for a new home. We both are on Kilrogg. We are looking for an active guild that does M+ or raids, or even both. As life also gets in the way, night times would be perfect but always willing to work something out.

If you have a bed available for us below is my Bnet tag and his. Thank you for taking the time to read :slight_smile:

Anixxi#2467 (Thats me! BM Hunter)
Panda#26129 (Resto Druid, he is also here!)

I do humbly apologize, posted it on the wrong char, this is my hunter. I do promise we are both 120

Hi Anixi.

Checked your hunter but I think you may have transferred it and perhaps you have found a guild already.

If not then my guild Kill It With Fire on Quel’thalas may be able to accommodate you both going forward. I’ll leave our recruitment thread below for more details and you can also add me on Bnet Dodger#2127 or Discord Maxi#0222. Thx :slight_smile:

Hi there!

We have a guild on Silvermoon that might interest you :slight_smile: