It is a factual overperformer, there’s no stretching involved. All of the specialisation specific statistics position BM into an S+ tier category.
A spec that easy which is piloted by NPCs should never ever be as good as it is.
It is a factual overperformer, there’s no stretching involved. All of the specialisation specific statistics position BM into an S+ tier category.
A spec that easy which is piloted by NPCs should never ever be as good as it is.
Alright then, let us agree to disagree.
You’re pretty much alone with this.
Healer perspective :
I never feel like : oh dam a BM this will be a horrible round.
But Ele , Enhancement, Shadow and Affli ( little less currently damage wise but gameplay wise ) and DISC, put a feeling of not wanting to play anymore into me every time, no matter the healer or if its 3s or shuffel.
BM is fine and its playrate is probably inflated not because it is broken but because of it being able to perform on the same level as other speccs while also having the reputation of being easy to play.
And at all times its better than MM being good. Even though SV should always be the strongest.
DISC though ! that specc isnt inflated ,its just the most broken thing since Ret in DF1. But hey its world of priestcraft for years now.
You are decently rated and experienced, how can you be so wrong about this?
Ele, enh, shadow and affli are all managable specs with clear strenghts/weaknesses.
Ele was busted with rework but got brought into line untill next reset but it is still probably tied with shadow for the best caster rn. But since the rework, you just have to play around ele cooldowns and not randomly dispel.
All of the mentioned specs are not bad by any means, but they need to use their full kit to suceed and none of them is just “w keying” to victory.
Discpline is really strong, but hpaly is better and disc absolutely had bad seasons where holy saw a lot more play.
People despise BM because the damage is almost autopiloted, instant and hard to stop unless you have ample supply of aoe roots for the pets. Since they cranked up hunter defensives in TWW, they rely lot less on kiting (and even if they still did, BM would be still be the best because it doesnt loose any damage while kiting while) and can facetank a lot of damage anyway just rotating defensives.
It feels quite unpunishable for its mistakes and getting mowed down by a zoo is always tillting.
Also, you remark about this being from healers perspective just proves how healers have brainwashed themselves ever since Blizzard shifted the meta from big burst/cc chains in Shadowlands to this high conssistent damage meta we had since DF where specs live and die by their numerical tuning instead of wholness of their toolkit.
Yes, Shadowlands has had some unhealthy burst but I will die on the hill that SL meta was more healthy and fun compared to everything that came after it. (with the excpetion of ret/war). Because moving away from setup based gameplay removed a lot of place for skilled counterplay and turned the game into a damage fiesta first and foremost.
Windwalker monk is a perfect example of this. Before DF, it was a glass cannon with lethal, but counterable burst. And it was fun to watch a good WW setting up those burst windows and try to remedy the squishiness by timing ports.
Since than, they buffed the tankiness, spread the damage and nerfed cc and ability to stick to a target.
Now on my WW I rarely port because I am too tanky and annoying with WDP knock up, but with the downside of being a literal damage bot with zero utility to offer and bad CC which is why above 1.8k WW cant secure a kill and finish games, and is at mercy of his teammates to do it for him.
TLDR the design shift removed agency from a lot of specs and made skillfull plays and decision making a lot less influental on the overall outcome of the game.
Could argue that some weakness are at the moment not punishable enough, for example dispells dont feel to good. But yeah for sure.
Iam just saying they similiar represented and feel more frustrating to face. While I cant do anything against BM damage outside of rooting his pets etc. It just feels like another dps who I have to be careful when his cc is ready. ( which 90% mess up anyway cause they only know short traps). For me as a heal its indifferent if its a war / bm or feral. They all have strong pressure but dont make me wanna throw out the keyboard because Iam forced to make plays that punish me for doing them and dont have the impact on the game that they should have for the amount of punishment.
Today I saw tons of BM in 2s for example, and tbh they were the non factor. It was more important which heal they had. If it was a disc it was suffering, if it was a holy pally it was smooth. On the other hand the games vs warlock x disc it made me suffer on both sides.
Also holy frick who plays enhancement shammy x tank pally in 2s at 2,2mmr. How and why. Frustrating gameplay again cause shammy plays only for one shot in stun.
A Bm wont ever do that, just dodge traps and talk to your team mates with deff cds
BM is so broken they don’t even need to land traps. They do such stupid damage that you’ll eventually oom and just die because their damage is literally unavoidable.
nothing new, lol
Yooo enhance fistus-weaverus 2s?
BM needs to be flat out banned from PvP.
Having 20 pets kill you while you can’t even target the BM without a macro because of all the clutter is ridiculous.
Arena target macros, minor minions disabled in interface, very easy solution. You’re welcome.
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