BM is still op and fistweaver is a thing again

Title. BM nerfs weren’t enough (who would have thought) and people are back to playing disgusting fistweaver again doing obnoxious damage.

Guy was maintaining strait 500k dps. This should NEVER be a thing.


Still bullying BM hunters, how original.

But I agree, monk heal feels rather strong at the moment.

You mean BM is still bullying everyone else.


if he’s doing 500k dps the whole game and did 3.36m the game was 6 seconds?

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It’s because dps is calculated based on uptime, monk probably did one kick that hit all the pets and op is crying because fistweaver have unhealable damage (they dont).


Is he playing full fistweaver or this hybrid build ?

Vs an army of pets, yes. That doesn’t disregard that fistweaving is BS.

Feels like the lightning monk heal is fine, but the kicks sometimes spike stuff up in a unneeded way.

However even with BM and this around lets not forget the really problems : Ele / Enhance and DISC

The word is that BM and Fury are best in slot.

Best in slot? I get that low to mid rated shuffle is infested with hunters and warriors, but current 3v3 arena numbers show a lot more variety.

Alot more veriety? BM is back to back at the top with feral and outlaw.

Lf 2s homeboy too kick some buts

Everybody is Kung Fu fighting

That screenshot…says as much as Mike Tyson does? What the actual …

Yeah sure, let’s just ignore elemental shamans, frost mages and both viable warlock specs that see equal or more play than hunter in 3s (besides the already mentioned rouge specs and feral druid).

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Statistics for 2400+ CR Solo Shuffle in EU:

Most represented DPS spec: BM Hunter with 121 characters
Second most represented DPS spec: Fury Warrior with 75 characters.
Third most represented DPS spec: Affli Lock with 62 characters.

Yes, more variety, but BM Hunter and Fury Warrior are also dominant there. The 2 easiest specs in the entire game being S+ tier should never be a thing.

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I am talking about post nerf activity in 3s, not people sitting on their inflated shuffle rating.

Okay and as you can see from here Fury Warrior is the most played DPS spec in EU 3v3 over the last 72 hours and BM Hunter is the 4th most played DPS spec in EU 3v3 over the last 72 hours.

In NA, BM Hunter is by far the most played DPS spec over the last 72 hours:

Why are we talking so much about warrior all of a sudden? Seramate has EU hunter ranked rather evenly with other specs if you look at recent overall activity:

10.17% Warrior
9.40% Shaman
9.40% Druid
6.82% Hunter
6.60% Mage
6.40% Rouge
6.34% Warlock


Warrior seems to be overperforming quite a bit tho, true even in overall 3s.

Because you said Warrior and BM Hunter only infest low to mid ratings, when it doesn’t only do that.

You realise those are CLASS statistics, not specialisation statistics, right? I.e. that percentage of Priest is inclusive of Shadow, Holy and Disc, etc?

And so is BM even post nerf :+1:

I didn’t mention any “only” in that sentence. I just left out high rated shuffle because I didn’t knew enough about that bracket to be honest, my apologies (I have 0 shuffle rounds this season on all my characters, because I really don’t like to play with randoms).

BM Hunter is playable in Arena yes. It even saw some use in the recent AWC gauntlet. But to call that overperformance is a bit of stretch to me honestly. I would rather prefer to see other classes (that aren’t all that playable) like DK or restro Druid buffed again instead of more nerfs to a spec that currently can still compete at the same level as all the other viable classes.