Body 3 for trolls

Now that we have body options, don’t you think this is a perfect opportunity to introduce Forrest trolls body to the trolls?

The Revantusk are allied with the Horde since Burning Crusade. Made an Appearance in BFA with the other trolls tribe, among them they were one of the few troll tribes to say good things about the horde.

We neva give up! We neva forget!


Dire Troll body type is more likely
There are Dire lady Trolls so could be used both gender?


Could be body option 4.

But I really want Revantusk :cry:


I hope multiple body type options will open the way for all races to get more options.
Like the thin human and yes Forest and Ice Trolls.

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I would main one of them 100%. They look even cooler than ogres imho.


Is it a troll… that is dire?

South Park intensifies

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Nothing says “Let’s dance” like a nippsie ring :sunglasses:


This has been my biggest wish since day one. Literally since I’ve been playing this game I’ve been thinking about it constantly, and what’s even more interesting is when I talk to troll players they think the same thing. How is it even possible that we still don’t have forest trolls as an option, not to mention that we should have had that option from the beginning and not to mention how simple it actually is to add that option. They skip an option that totally makes sense while adding nonsensical races from time to time just because they’re cool, or add completely nonsensical customization options like belf options for velves etc, which I personally don’t mind, I just don’t understand that logic.

You have a thing that players want from day one, a thing that is not unrealistic and stupid, but a thing that makes complete sense, an option that is not particularly difficult to add, and you refuse to add it for years. It’s really incomprehensible to me.

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perhaps we need to be very demanding like the High elf fans in order to achieve our wishes? :stuck_out_tongue:


Forest troll and ice troll options should been available long ago. Revantusk been in the horde since vanilla and since BFA Zandalari trolls joined the horde and before the horde came to Zandalar the forest trolls, sand trolls and the remaining jungle trolls etc had joined the Zandalari trolls so if the Zandalari have joined the horde so would the other trolls do too. Im sure Talanji can make them see benefits of joining the horde.

Well Blizzard could make it easy and give normal trolls customizations of forest and ice trolls. And also not to copy paste female trolls again like the zandarlari they could make the female forest/ice trolls little more buffed but not bigger than the male forest/ice trolls, just more buffed then normal female trolls and Zandalari female trolls.

I wonder what the Primal trolls looks like on the Dragon isle.

Give me blood trolls. All of them.


I think like Dire Trolls, just more reptilian-like suggesting some dinosaur or even draconic ancestry
Or stone-like "scale’ patches, and we discover, the Trolls are another type of Titanic creations (would butcher the Troll lore, since they said to be seen the Titans (called Travellers by them) fought the Old Gods, but whatever…)
Then again, Bwonsamdi stated that the loa came before the trolls, which would make him and other loa older than them. But long ago, Mueh’zala was the loa of the dead for all trolls, and he elevated Bwonsamdi from priest to loa… so logically, Mueh’zala apperance could mimic the primodial Troll’s and maybe He was one too, before became a Loa, then made Bwonsamdi a Loa too… then the Primal Trolls evolved in to “Trolls”, making Bwinsamdi’s both statment true and correct :thinking:

thin human ? Yes please .

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The trollier the merrier


i thought it was Burning Crusade?

in any case, the more customizations the better. and i agree Forrest trolls should have been playable since the beginning (through the Revantusk tribe, of course) but sadly according to recent interviews, i dont think customizations is coming. most focus was on Dracthyr.

Well Bwonsamdi would be old yes but not as old as Mueh’zala. As you said he was a priest that worship Mueh’zala so possibly Bwonsamdi was one of the first trolls that walk on Azeroth or since he has the more normal looking troll like the jungle trolls. Bwonsamdi maybe among the first more normal looking trolls.

But then again if Primal trolls still exist on dragon isles, Could the other trolls on the mainlands been hit by some magic that made them weaker that gave them their current form. As it seems on the trailer the dragons left the dragon isles 10000 years ago when the legion first came to Azeroth and the Trolls and Taurens are far older than that and so are the Night elves (Even if Trolls are older than Night elves). I don’t know maybe we find out more on the Dragon isles…Got to be an archive somewhere there right? :slightly_smiling_face:

I know, I heard it too. Maybe in the next Expansion after DF.

I mean there is alot of customizations that is missing for all the playable races. Both Core and Allied races. Yeah the Drakthyr going to have tons of customizations that the Core and Allied races also need. Maybe one day.

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