Boneless undead models

Lately I’ve came across chinese models of undead, and I personally think they look much better than regular ones. I know many people share my opinion. It would be nice to add such option for character customization, since models are already done. It would add nice variety to undead race, and make a lot of sense since not every undead spent same amout of time in the grave. I know you can change models by yourself, but it also censors other aspects of the game, and I’m bit worried about getting banned. What do you think about that? Any chance Blizz will add this option to the game? I think it’s silly that right now every undead character looks like they died, and were risen at the same time. I don’t think it is a huge change to the original content of the game and won’t ruin classic experience.
Looking forward to your opinion.
Ps: Sorry for any spelling mistakes, eng is not my native language.

They won’t change it, it’s only in the client because of Chinese censorship.

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you can add a command to the config file to use them. You also get gravestones not bones.

SET overrideArchive "1" from a quick internet search

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And many bones on the ground turn into sacks of grain.
Gorepiles on some “butcher” tables turn into bread.

I use it and they are gravestones, not grain.

I don’t mean bodies from players. I mean actual bones that are as part of the landscape.

It’s been a requested feature for quite some time now :slight_smile:
Doubt they’d add it to classic, but probably retail… if they were going to do it anyway.

Dottie gave you the best answer on this.

It may affect some others things in the game but you’ll get the boneless undead.

I know that you can swap models that way, but it also changes many things in the game I don’t want to change, and every undead character is still looking the same- in that case without bones sticking out. My point is that these models are already made so why not add such option for players? It would be nice variety.
I doubt they will do it, but there’s always a chance. If not I will stick to the old models, because I don’t want to see bread everywhere. Nontheless it’s almost efortless, and would add to the game. I don’t really see cons to that.

Didn’t know this, that’s actually cool and so easy to enable.
I knew about the chinese client differences, I just always assumed they were locked to that chinese client.

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