Bonus Quests not showing on map

I have noticed many threads over the internetz, none of them solved. The problem is that while leveling my alt - lvl 100, I dont see bonus quests in WoD and Legion zones. Sometimes I see two in one of the zones but that’s it. I remember there were many of these in every zone. What am I doing wrong? Had the same issue in WoD leveling, no matter how many quests in the zone have I completed, the Bonus Quests never showed up (except maybe two in one of the zones)

Thanks for answer

Also one more thing - my friend who’s leveling with me can’t see/complete invasion objectives whereas I can. But I think that it has to do something with me having bunch of lvl 110 alts and she is lvling her first toon.

Thanks again

Think you have to discover said quests in WoD. As in go to where they are so as to see them.

Not sure about what’s going on with bonus objectives but this i can answer. Legion invasions (and bfa incursions) only show on lower level characters if you have to have one 110 character (and 120 on bfa) that has done required things leading to invasions before your alts can see them and do them.


No one had the same issue when leveling alts?
I guess everyone’s buying boosts nowadays instead exping :smiley: no wonder.

I always though they disappear when you hit that expansions level cap. I seem to recall that in WoD.

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