Boomy Issues

It’s just healthy for the game to have different classes OP, and not always the same flavours.

Most boomies die super easily vs melee, their defensives are crap and most have rerolled and cant kite.

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I take Reverse Magic and try to save it for roots, then usually target the boomy. They can’t get away from me very easily, unlike a frost Mage for instance who can be tricky to keep up with. Rogues/Warrior/Hunters are giving me more problems. I’m weak while stunned so the Rogue is scary and Warriors I don’t wanna fight 1v1 and if they decide to focus me it’s bad, Hunters can trap me for an eternity and I can’t get out of it because it’s not a magic effect. Boomkin is probably my favorite spec to play against honestly. They die a lot in my games.

You mean blades edge arena maybe?
Or what bridge do you mean on Nagrand one?

Yes, sorry. That one

It was cancer. Couldn’t move anywhere on the bridge without getting knocked by that ability. But facing Boom is cancer in ANY arena tbh. It’s actually maddening they’ve made it live in this absurdly broken state (along with Destros)


if the mmr cap weren’t there, i would actually agree

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This is especially fun if you get snared or otherwise have to use your class mobility to do damage, I charged and got knocked halfway and then destroyed by instant casts from a warlock and boomy. I pressed my abilities to survive, but this wasn’t even a go for them, just a proc and I still have to push across big open maps to reach them. It’s rough af. I give them precog is necessary because the average melee player will fudging kick hearthstone in bgs, but… 150k instants out of dotprocs? Nay man, this is worse than ret being crazy op.

Yep, that’s the thing with Precog. It makes sense in casters who actually have to hardcast to do significant damage. But then you have Boom and Destro destroying targets with instants, barely hardcasting anything, retaining their godly afk tankyness, and then Destros when they do hardcast, they destroy targets with it as well. Destros are in a completely stupid place where they can melt targets equally with instants or hardcasts. It’s absurd, and Blizz should feel ashamed for stating on the SP rework that SPs had “too many instant casts”, and yet none of them came anywhere near the amount of preassure the aforementioned two can do with their instants. It makes no sense to argue against instant casts, and then enter a season where most of the other casters barely hardcast anything (Ele also coming to mind)

“150k instants out of dotprocs”
Who and where? You talking about full moon dropping? That thing to hit for 150k would need to drop during your CDs and crit and we have like 15% of crit. It also drops like 1 time per game and it drops on a random target. If there are ANY pets in the enemy team there is a high chance it’ll just randomly drop on that pet.

“Nay man, this is worse than ret being crazy op.”
Now this is just a troll. :smiley: Boomkins are not even the best caster this season, we have like 5 different caster specs doing as well or better than Boomkins on the ladder. Just look up the numbers. Melee players just angry they can’t ZUG ZUG like last season and insta win vs any caster.

“retaining their godly afk tankyness”
Boomkins are one of the easiest targets to kill if they don’t kite all game. You forcing them to kite means they are not doing DMG or CCing.

“sense to argue against instant casts”
This is true, Boomkins really need a huge buff to their casted spells and Moonfire Astral Power generation needs to be nerfed. The only reason Boomkins can spam instant casts is Moonfire generating 24 Astral Power per cast, giving us Starfall and Starsurge every 2 casts of Moonfire. Yeah it’s fun, but I’d probably prefer Wraths hitting like a truck instead of this current frustrating gameplay. :smiley:
Wrath currenty hits for like 15k and you actually need to cast it, Moonfire spam deals like almost as much DMG, gives double the Astral Power, applies to two targets increasing your DMG on them and procs Full Moon, Shooting Stars and Fae. :smiley:

At least you could kill retri paladins when they were out of control, good luck chasing a boomy in bearform still sustaining 60k dps.

“At least you could kill retri paladins”
Not only could you not kill the retri paladins after their broken rework, but you couldn’t even kill his teammates due to retris having an answer to everything. There is a reason why we had a week or two where 90% of the ppl playing solo shuffle were paladins. We had game over game over game where 2 or 3 or even ALL DPS were ret palas. I have never seen a solo shuffle with 3 or 4 boomkins, my max was 2 and that happens rarely. :smiley:

“good luck chasing a boomy in bearform still sustaining 60k dps.”
A Boomy running in bear form has as much armor as a plate user, and just slightly more than Moonkin form itself gives, so going bear form only gives you a few % of dmg reduction and the cost is you deal no DMG.

Going into bear form means you ain’t casting anything, if you aint casting anything you are not generating astral power, if you are not generating astral power you will not be able to cast starfall or starsurge which are the majority of your DMG. A Boomy running in bear form is not doing 60k DPS cause he can’t use a single spell.

At this point you are just making stuff up. Instead of making stuff up just look at the solo shuffle ladder stats.

40% of top players in the ladder are actually melee.
Warriors are the most represented melee class - 25%.
Other strong melee classes / specs are:
rogues - 10-20% higher at higher ratings,
retri - 20%,
enh - 10%.
So melee aint really doing that bad.

Now let’s look at casters.
You have more casters at the top of the ladder than melee making this for sure a caster seasion.
Best spec / class in all ratings is Destro Warlock - 20 to 25% .
Other strong classes / specs:
boomkin - 18%,
spriest - 13 - 15%,
elem sham - 10%,
demo lock - 10%,
mage - 10%.

The power of actual stats.

Why do people try this hard to defend OP FOTM

Gotta be the most cringe thing that i repeatedly see on these forums.

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Did you actually read anything I said? I gave the exact reason for why Boomkin is problematic - too much Astral Power. And I gave a solution - increase DMG and Astral Power of casts while nerfing Moonfire spam hard.

And this is exactly what Blizzard seems to be doing with the newest class tuning notes. They nerfed Moonfire spam into the ground and buffed a little bit Wrath / Starfire. The nerfs might be a little bit overkill and I think that Wrath / Starfire need a little bit bigger of a buff, but we’ll see what happens after these changes, maybe we’ll get some new builds.

Why do ppl that don’t know how to read always have so much to say about everything? Gotta be the most cringe thing that I see.

Yes, you, intentionally or otherwise, did the classic “explain the possible ways your spec isn’t that good in a thread where people complain about your spec”

for example:

every other spec in the game would happily take a talent on their talent tree that they can swap into that deals 100-150k to a random target every 30 seconds or so. you literally just dont play it into demo locks or unholy dks and it gets absurd value every time, because boomkin is a spec all about keeping everyone relatively low (70-85%) so that they can swap around and nuke people with starsurges. the amount of games i’ve had a full moon land on someone for a 150k+ crit and then nuked 2-3 starsurges into them and won the game entirely for free is pretty nuts and this happens constantly.

example 2:

this is extreme hyperbole to the point of absurdity. boomkins do great damage while being focused and benefit enormously from precog in combination with owlkin adept and highwinds. saying “if they dont kite all game” is a non-statement.

hunters instantly die if they dont kite. mages instantly die if they don’t kite. spriests instantly die if they dont kite. ele shamans instantly die if they don’t kite. devokers instantly die if they don’t kite. its pretty much just warlock that can stand still for 15 or so seconds and do fine - every other ranged has to kite when focused and boomkin is arguably the best at it.

the point is - your spec is overpowered and nerfs are coming, regardless of the fact that full moon will hit an imp if you play it into a demo lock, regardless of the fact that you will die if you go afk and let people hit you.

Boomy is not that dangerous when Trained Hard/stunned/kicked frequently. Put them under pressure and They are harmless Relatively. The issue with them is if they are paired with another Caster in the lobby, Like Lock or SP. Then you have to choose which one you let freecast. Pretty much as you cant keep both in check.

No you just delusional and toxic. You don’t know what you are talking about and every single post you write just proves it. You just searching for a fight and I won’t be giving it anymore. Go be a useless troll somewhere else and don’t come back.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

GL kicking their instants though!

Ok. I along with everyone else thinks boomkin was OP, especially for how easy it is to play.

Blizzard apparently agreed and nerfed a bunch of the passive stuff boomkin does which makes it easy to play and OP.

This is somehow toxic and picking a fight, but you calling anyone who thinks boomkin is OP a troll, isn’t? -

ok guy

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