Hey I know a lot of classes are strong right now but from my perspective i’m seeing boomys hard carry games and there is not much I can do about it as a DH.
Training them they still out DPS the entire lobby even sat in bear 40% of the time while my team gets rotted.
Even when they have the underperforming healer they can hard carry a win or CC off when pressure is high.
100% I there is something I could be doing better to win the games however it feels like the win condition is extremely narrow in comparison.
Boomy are extremely strong currently, that being said dont look at “who deals the most damage” as reference for what is strong n what isnt. boomy has massive aoe preasure n are designed to output amongst the highest total damage just as dot classes should. If you instead look at another spec that performs very well currently, demo locks. They tend to be among the lower end in terms of actual total damage output n yet they are obnoxious to play against due to all their control.
As for how to deal with them forcing them to sit bearform tends to be effective, one downside to tunneling them is that they have bearform but also get very fast cast cyclones from owlkin if you keep whacking them. If they have a teammate that is easier to kill i tend to go for that instead since boomkins generally dont care if you tunnel them or not as their damage profile is pretty much exclusively instant casts so them getting tunneled wont negatively impact them all that much. I play my warrior currently n if boomy is the best kill target i tend to break them through MS n simply slowroasting them till they die from the preasure but there are usually easier kill targets out there.
the only thing making them strong is godrinn and starsurge free procs
the dots dont deal much damage
when you can starsurge for 60k + a 60k godrin and its FREE thats 120k instantly
i play boomie for RBG, padding damage with DoTs never kills anyone as boomie
if i was on the balance team i would remove Godrinn talent and maybe put an internal CD on the Free cast of starsurges, so they dont get them back to back
No, everything about boomkin is overloaded atm. They have more ST damage than most specs, better AoE than every spec (maybe only aff lock better here), better CC than pretty much every spec right now, better honour talents than most specs, they’re tankier than most specs and they’re a hybrid so they have a bunch of other utility like 100k+ regrowth spam and innervate. Oh and they just make everyone on your team passively tankier thanks to MoTW.
Pretty gross spec. Reminds me a lot of 10.0 demon kings where they’d just run around at 100 mph doing infinite damage while having 3 or 4 /cast [target=focus] macros to spam their CC onto the healer - this alone was good enough for most of them to skyrocket past rank 1 players playing mortal specs
this is shuffle/arena though where dampening is at 60% like a minute into each round. All of a sudden those 10k dot ticks and 15k fury of elune ticks and 15k starfall ticks become unhealable and the fact that it is totally free, unavoidable damage that you could park your character facing a wall, turn off your monitor and still get off just pressing tab 1234 is pretty insane.
Then you add on clone spam, root beam, stun, typhoon, starsurge spam, starfire procs and precog and it becomes nearly impossible to beat a semi conscious boomkin
the exact same can be said for warlock or SP or any dot class
everyone wants to focus on the DoTs but boomy dots are nowhere near as strong as those classes
the true outlier is the Starsurge spenders, rootbeam, and the other big hitting INSTANT spells
i also happen to play warlock and my warlock dots hit 10x that of a druid, the problem with druid is the lack of casting outside of wrath and cyclone, getting big hits with starsurge, starfall, full moon procs etc
they should make starfall a 2 second cast … imo
or starsuge a 1 second cast
I mean, yeah? Warlocks, SPs and Boomkins are all doing amazingly well in arena+shuffle right now. Boomkin and Destro are just the cream of the crop
It is a package problem though. Everything about boomkin right now is overtuned and it will only get worse when they get their 2 set. Their sustain is too high, their burst is too high, their resource generation is too high. They have 2 or 3 different builds that all perform extremely well and all have great sustain and burst potential.
Point is - Boomkin sustain pressure is great ,and sustain pressure builds in general are dominating right now. For example:
even the ‘worst’ warlock spec is doing as well as Arms warrior right now, because solo shuffle right now is sustain pressure until damp, then walk over them. The only real exception to this is sub rogue. Even fire mages are standing 55 yards dampening people. Can’t just discount the dots because you also can crit 100k starsurges into 80k goldrin’s, the dots are what make healers go OOM after a minute and a half.
I did this on my boomkin:
playing a starfall/fury of elune build where i just tab target dotted and alternated starsurge > starfall > starsurge to get free spenders. When I wasn’t doing that I was spamming clones on the healer which were like 0.4 second cast speed. I was trained virtually every round I was in and my damage didn’t really take a hit. Most rounds I was doing 50-70k dps even while sitting bear with a DK/war or ret/feral on me the whole time.
i disagree
as a Unholy DK player and BM / MM hunter ( my mains )
you would think i would have high pressure and sustain but i find myself getting killed more from a Destro warlock or fire mage or enhance shammy
bursting 1 shot combos
i rarely die to RoT damage, whilst not feeling that my pressure is building as quickly as you just mentioned
Just came out of a nargrand arena, with a boomie, and right now I feel like slitting my wrists and end my mysery.
I can’t even begin to describe the absurdity. All instants. The amount of those star thingies which knocks people up, with no DR. The whole bridge basically filled with it, while the boomkin spent all rounds doing 80K DPS constant, never dropping below it, completely destroying anything in their path, without a single hardcast.
HOW does this make it into live, and HOW DARE blizz argue that SPs instants were nerfed because they were “too much”, and on the exact same season you have the complete ABSURDITY that boomkins are (along with destros, and some others). It’s actually impressive how bad it has gotten, because honestly I never thought it could get more putrid but every season continues to sink lower and lower
“They have more ST damage than most specs”
Only if you go the ST build and still I don’t think Boomkins can deal more ST than mages or warlocks.
With the ST build you do not have Starfall and outside of Incarn you deal healer DMG. Survive the first 30secs of the game and you win. That’s why almost nobody actually plays it and why the AoE build feals so nice now, cause finally Boomkins deal meaningful DMG for more than just the first 30secs of a game.
“better CC than pretty much every spec right now”
Only vs braindead ppl. Cyclone is OP, but it’s so easy to just outrange it lol. Also it’s really hard to get value out of it cause you have priests and warlocks just spam fearing without looking at DRs.
“like 100k+ regrowth spam and innervate”
70k regrowths at 0% Dampening, and you can cast 3 or 4 of them before you are out of mana. Innervate is almost useless, the strongest healers don’t go OOM right now, and most games end before healers go OOM (talking about Solo).
The DMG is really high, but it’s all AoE / DoT DMG, you ain’t really killing anyone, your job is to create pressure on everyone, most often it’s your teammates job to actually kill someone. If we really do think Boomkins need a nerf I think the only thing needing a nerf is probably Starfall? Or Stellar Intervention cause it’s the only reason why this AoE build is viable in the first place - unlimited Astral Power with Moonfire / Sunfire spam.
I think the biggest problem with Boomkins is that Wrath and Starfire deal no DMG. Just checked my logs from an arena - Starfire average DMG 20k, for a 2sec cast that’s just sad and Wrath is half of that. Builders being so weak means spenders need to hit like a truck - Starsurge and Starfall - and players always cry when something hits like a truck not knowing that is the only spell that deals DMG in the whole spec.
So yes, better than most. Or are you saying “but i can only deal better ST damage than 22 dps specs, not 26” is not most? come on.
what do you think happens in arena, dude? 6 players stand 40-45 yards and target dummy each other? you have your WASD keys xD
Sweet, 70k regrowths, innervate for the weaker healers. You’re making my point for me
what is the pressure? is it pressure that they’ll miss a deadline at work? is it pressure that they’ve got a doctors appointment but they’re stuck in traffic? is it pressure that their food is burning because they forgot the timer and they’ve got a hot girl coming over?
no, its pressure that, if you don’t spend your whole team dealing with it, your team gets triple killed. Same pressure that affliction warlocks exert. Why are you just roleplaying as if the power to triple kill teams with rot is not insane kill pressure? Did you forget you have starsurge and goldrin procs during all of this that hit combined for 150k+?
Yeah you’re right - thats the biggest problem with boomkin, that they don’t deal more damage. Hahaha!! Why does every gamer come out to cope when their spec is OP? is it tradition around here? Rets were doing it a month ago. Bizarre lot.
Sorry, but I won’t be engaging with obvious trolls. You can’t ZUG ZUG this season and faceroll and you angry because of it. The warrior tears, so tasty.
As a DH you have to play differently depending on the comp. You can play big cleave damage or burst setup. The first method usually ends up with me outdpsing the boomkin on almost any map, but only works if its boomkin+meele, and they stack together for the cleave(preferably with their healer on top).
All you have to do is just disrupt their goes and you win on dampening because you have MS on top of damage.
VS Boomkin + caster, forget about damage. Focus only on ST damage + nuking the boomkin with eye beam + essence break + dance + rain from above.
Pick cleanse by flame and only use immo aura after he roots you. The more you force him into bear, the less damage he does.
He usually should die by the 3rd essence break combo.