Boosters MMR concerns

I’d like to open a conversation regarding the state of RBG boosting for wow gold, primarily around the issue of the boosters dropping MMR in RBGs.

The boosting itself is borderline but still can see why there is a market, the issue is when you have played as a team and have gotten to an MMR of around 2k and get a team that should be 2.4K MMR and they are only 1.8k MMR because they have been dropping rating, which is smurfing.

These offenders never seem to be targeted however as they are present all season, every season. Multiple accounts created for this purpose.

If they need to drop MMR to boost, then are they really good enough to boost in the first place? Pretty sure there was a bunch of disqualified Glads a while ago that had 3s partners doing the exact same thing. Playing properly to 2.4 then dropping MMR on 2 “boost” chars for the 50 wins required.

If these Glads were disqualified, then why not disqualify all these Hero boosts?

TL;DR boosting fine, MMR dropping not fine.

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It was stated in numerous threads on forum both in pvp section and general discussion - boosters shall be banned for dropping mmr since they ruin the game for other players while breaking the game rules at the same time. Boosters literally giving free wins for random teams when dropping mmr which is wintrading (even though without an intention from winning side) and reducing their mmr on purpose to play with lower teams while their skill is much more higher. This ruins the game since lower skilled players are getting stomped and losing any incentives and will to play and get better. This is like to put children to fight top MMA fighters…These boosters are nullifying the whole purpose mmr system was invented for

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Account bans are doing nothing though, they just buy new accounts with the gold they have accumulated.

Would be nice to see the hardware ban implemented here.


hardware bann, id bann, mac adress bann. Tbh the more criteria of banns devs using the harder and longer it will take boosters to avoid it. If same person gets caught for the third time doing same violation there is zero reason not to give him bann on all possible criterias so he could not return back so easy

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We all know the guy you are talking about. Robson-TwistingNeather, Nefuxd, Cazzette and so on.

Image you play 4times the map that you dont enjoy 100% and then your favorite maps pops up. And what… other team dont join. Only 1 person standing there /AFK.

Its frustrating! They are just destroying alleredy small bracket.
Perma ban is very strong way of punishment, but I think its the way to do it.

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