Boosters now using ingame calendar

I never bought anything. Get them anyway.


People are making links where there are none.

However a simple introduction to block invites from strangers by Blizzard would fix this.


Lol imagine being a booster and everybody who wants to ignore you ignores you.

‘‘but what if I pushed my boosting even more in your face?! YOU SURELY WONT FIND ME ANNOYING AND IGNORE ME NOW!’’

Laughs in annoying booster in your face laugh

Its like commercials and forced adds on youtube or tv xD the more your force it on my face makes me just want to purchase your crap even less.

this is why i stopped watching television long time ago
80% adds 20% movie

ad blocker and youtube revanced comes in handy too :slight_smile:
if i want to buy boost trust me i know where to go no need show it up my face

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i dont buy boost either and i get 1 or 2 calender spams every reset day and i don’t think i am their target audiance for a ‘’ heroic or normal ‘’ boost

this is my character , weirdly it swapped to that when i log in , just posting to link my main

Ooops … accidental posting before, sorry!

It is possible that those who never got invites, but then got a bunch after buying a boost, have been put on some sort of “mailing list”. Like when you buy insurance or a mobile phone online … suddenly you’re regularly bombarded with people trying to get you to switch.

But for the rest of us, who haven’t used a boost, it’s obviously got to be some other form of targetting used. Often when I get the calendar invites, everyone else is likely to have been near me in an alphabetically modified /who (search for everyone with a name starting P, for example). I’m sure I’ve seen guild invite addons that utilise a similar principal.

Of course the /who is fairly broken too … so you have to be on the same shard as the person doing the spamming.

These calendar invites happened before, I think it was during Cataclysm. They kind of fizzled out then someone seemed to remember they existed again recently. So the ridiculous notion that this is boosting or community related is just rubbish.

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did not sey any name did not accuse people just observetion before u sey somting tink way said it did not accuse any 1

this is beyond infuriating
how difficult is it to code a default opt out for calendar invites from anyone who isn’t in your guild/friends list ?
also, make it impossible to anyone to invite to a raid that he’s not of the appropriate level for, i doubt scammers will bother lvling toons to 70 just to spam the invites (assuming blizz actually ban the ppl who spam the invites)

I got my curve last monday. I made my own group, yet I still have some invites. XD


But you are claiming something that is untrue.

Being invited to those spam boost events is nothing to do with whether or not a player has ever bought a boost, or ever been part of a community and people just need to stop spouting that rubbish tbh.

Blizzard or an addon just need to give us the ability to block them.


What?? :thinking:

What i do is rightclick report for advertisment and then i mention the webpage and more it removes it and hopefully blizzard becomes aware of it being a problem.

Being able to set calendar to “all | friends and guild only | friends only | none” is a very basic privacy option that should already be in the game.

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The option to block calendar invites was supposed to go live with this patch. Alas it didnt.

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I’d like to think that it was because they heard us … but I think it’s more that it was in the works anyway … fingers crossed this time it happens:

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