Boosting and Shadowland quests

So I’m kinda confused, I decided to boost a new character to 60 and it didn’t really tell me that boosting would automatically complete all Shadowlands story content. Now I didn’t wanna skip all that since I want to experience all the story content there. Does this really mean that I can’t play the quests myself with this character anymore? Kinda sad that it just does that without a warning at least.

Ah, well, it’d be nice if they said that, yeah^^" but it’ll be fair to assume that it’d do that in the future, when, say, they bring the 70 boost for dragonflight. That might be different though as Shadowlands is the only expansion where everything is locked behind the main campaign, so they probably assumed that if you boost you don’t care about experiencing the story anyway.

Anyways, start a level 10 character and you may start the main story on them :slight_smile:

I didn’t know they did that with the boost, and I am honestly surprised.

Forgive my asking, but are you sure your character is marked as having completed Shadowlands? What makes you think so?

Your armoury does not show any of the zones complete.

When I look you up on Wowhead’s Quest Tracker, which takes its data from the Blizzard API, I see a lot (all?) of quests uncompleted. For example, look at

Pick Shadowlands → Revendreth and look at the map, ticking Complete and Incomplete separately. I see nothing complete, and everything Incomplete.

Or you can test it in-game yourself, picking a quest at random, which you can check by typing
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(59644))
into your chat box. (That is the quest Blinded by the Light, near the end of the Shadowlands Campaign.)

If that returns FALSE, then the game has not marked that quest completed for that character.

If I know why you believe Shadowlands is marked complete, we may be able to find anoither explanation.

Ah, I’m sorry I was posting on wrong character, this one is my freshly boosted character and the wowhead quest tracker now confirmed that every single Shadowlands main story quest has been completed. Eh, it’s not that big of a deal but I wouldn’t have bought the epic version of Dragonflight with the level boost if i knew it would just straight up auto complete storylines i’ve never experienced.

Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying.

It’s an odd thing for them to have done.

Perhaps they boxed themselves in too much by the (VERY VERY BAD) decision to lock everything behind completion of the Shadowlands campaign, and felt that they could not require level 60+s to do it to get access to the zones and Covenants of Shadowlands.

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