Boosting destroyed the game, good job bli$$ard

Lol, just tried 3 games at 1.8k and all three had somebody in duelist gear (and 2200 achi) + somebody <50k, gj bliz. I guess pain will continue until 2100, only there fair games will begin.
Forth game: we almost won, then healer went afk (not dc, just afk) and rogue killed me while staying at 1 hp. Then he spent 30 seconds killing afk healer. Wow. And that after waiting for hour+ in LFG. Healer’s name was Supercigna-Nemesis, he ignored my whispers but then tried to apply into my group again (to ruin), LOL. AVOID.
Fifth game: booster monk that oneshotted me 0.00001second after brew (so pressing trinket took too long).

who the hell does pvp on retail,its all that borrowed power crap

What? I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s just boosters that are problem (well, and some OP classes).

Boosting good for money on short distance, but bad for game health in general. When company support philosophy in the game about - don’t play the game - buy everything its not so good, cuz WoW about endgame content. Achi became a trash, people don’t want to play the game. WoW won’t die cuz of that ofc, but it won’t be that game that most of players want to see.

imho wasnt the boosting that destroyed the game.

Latley retail lost many thing that made wow great: immersion (ofc is sobjective), PVP (no balancing), Crafting (pointless… ). Open world (the zone now are little and a terrible permanent maze).

These are the things wow lost

Guilds not worth it, communtites are dead. Alive only hardcore and semi-hardcore raiding and boosting communtites.

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yes true. now just the hardcores are alive.
this makes me really sad…

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Nice video btw. He is right that game designed to forced people buy boosting.


Another clickbait i see.

For Bellular, that is quite a good video, and he does bring up some good points.

I wish Preach had done it; he would have done a better analysis and exposition. Bellular says stuff, but then doesn’t connect dots or drraw lines.

However, worth a watch.

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Choose free boosting instead, and stop the Gold boosters,


EU - Horde for now.

Just played 10 games at ~1850 and 8 of them had somebody in duelist gear and 2k+ cr. And insane skills ofc.
How can we push exactly?

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