Boosting destroyed the game, good job bli$$ard

He gave you a cast iron way to deal with your problem and you shifted the goal posts.

How about just thanking him for the time he took to give you excellent advice and realising that you need to apply your brain to the situation at hand like he just did for you.

So you’ve been playing with hpal and somehow you know they are bad -guess you read that somewhere! - but you don’t even know if they have an interupt?


Ah, I already thanked in previous posts, don’t want to create ‘thank you’ spam :slight_smile: I put a like tho.
Still, disc priest seem to work better with my build/playstyle/whatever, just got to 1715 today, also gsa2 addon helps a lot, so next stop Rival, I guess. And, yeah, build works ok, random oneshots here and there sometimes :smiley: They can’t outheal all of them. DHs became a bit better on 1.7k but stil it comes down to whether The Hunt is interrupted, if it is I just safely jump on their healer and unleash the full power of RNG :smiley: Even if not interrupted, disc priest could usually survive it and even help me survive (although I pop both defensives just in case). And once it’s healed there’s another big window of safety.

Against Mage/Rogue, you have your trinket to safely live one go. You have healer’s trinket to then safely live another go (order may be the opposite depending on comp).

After that, it gets to the point where you will need to preemptively use a defensive (Netherwalk, blur, darkness, …) or a setup disruption (such as imprison, or eruption) before one of their go in order to live. The “flashy” plays.

It seems hard and “RNG” but it’s actually not that “RNG” if you know how to recognize a setup. Most people don’t play with voice, so they have rules on how to setup with eachother that they try to hold on to, so it’s actually kind of predictable with some experience.

A clear sign that a setup is coming on you: stun DR on you is available (0/3), and poly DR is available on healer (0/3). As soon as DRs are cleared, it’s a good time to expect a setup.

A good clean setup on DH+Healer from Mage/Rogue usually looks like this:
Dragon’s Breath on you at the same time as the rogue stuns your healer, and then the mage polymorphs off the stun on your healer and then the rogue comes to stun you after DB. The DB is for you to not be able to preemptively use something like Darkness, Nether, Blur or one CC for the mage before they stun you.

It’s telegraphed in the sense that you’ll see the mage stop anything they are doing and go in your face, or at blink range of your face and they will not cast a Pyroblast or anything so they don’t have dots on you. They could also polymorph you into repolymorph on the dispel for the exact same purpose, if they didn’t have to use poly DR on you for running away/keeping alive between goes (this usually indicates a lack of pressure from your team between goes).

I’ll only describe the tip of the iceberg, because we could go extremely in detail about this matchup. And as I don’t play DH, you should look for the advice of someone who mains it for sure, I only play Mage/Rogue :D.

You have a few choices here when you recognize a setup. Most of this will come from experience anyway, don’t worry too much about it.

You could at this moment when you recognize a setup, just imprison the mage and delay the go, or maybe they are not that well coordinated and the rogue will stun too soon (you will see it on BigDebuffs or something) and you can immediately imprison the mage or use a defensive (or your healer can too). An important thing is of course staying in combat for both you and your healer so there’s no random sap coming.

A safe call is when you recognize a go, just use a defensive. You absolutely need to track enemy combustion too, and shadow blades. They are the scary goes. These IMO warrant trinket or the very strong defensives. At least for combustion.

Also remember that interrupting polymorph cast as much as you can is crucial, even if you’re hitting the rogue (using focus macros and even sacrificing mobility for it).

So, to summarize, what you should take away from this is the “beginner tier” of dealing with Mage/Rogue: keeping very close attention to what happens to your healer and as soon as you see a stun or anything, just react to it, like imprisoning any of them. And keep attention to the mage who suddenly instead of running wants to go to your face (he wants to DB you for setup).
Next tier is actively watching your own DRs to know when you’re vulnerable or not. Same for DRs for your healer.

A last thing for the “beginner tier” is to also not focus too hard on “surviving” or being defensive vs M/R. If you put no pressure, they will be able to do as many goes as they wish and eventually you will have nothing left to not die and will die even to shadow dance and ring of fire. A good moment to pump offensive CDs for pwnage, is when sheep DR on you is 3/3 and stun DR on you is 3/3 - nothing they can do about you unless they have a major CD like Vanish or IceBlock. Generally once you get rogue’s trinket and a good stun on him it’s enough to make unrecoverable damage.

Of course you want to take as many defensive talents as you can for the specific Mage/Rogue matchup. So, Rain from above (a pre-rain will basically remove one of their goes), netherwalk, glimpse, and of course, a CRUCIAL talent vs Mage/Rogue: Reverse Magic. This will literally win you the game vs setups that are too rushed ending up with gaps between stuns on you. A small gap on a stun on you can end up with a fel rush + reverse magic on the polymorph and giving you a 2vs1 on the rogue.

Of course all of this is so situational that the best you should do is just keep playing, recording your games and just keep posting videos if you need some advice on what you could have done.

And lastly, your healer has a big part on you winning this matchup, it’s a team effort. There’s only so much you can do alone to carry it, but it’s good to always try your best to utilize all the options available to you, at least as practice. All that I have said about preemptive usage of defensive or abilities (like Greater Fade, Blessing of Sacrifice, SWD etc) applies to healer too.


mate yes there are a lot of boosts now,but if you dont give up you can get there,also try join a pvp community or smth,make friends,and get better yourself too,i actually learn a lot when playing against better players than me!

but yeah for sure theres something wrong with the mmr,at least in rbg you win 2 games you get 300+ mmr kinda strange never seen it before,oh and the time to put up a team nowadays is also very bad.

If this games only played by rumanians who sell gold for € into their currency no wonder its boosting only lol

It is obvious Blizzard doesn’t take action against boosting, because it allows them to sell massive amounts of WoW tokens. Same thing with legendaries. Blizzard loves gullible players that buy tokens in order to afford their legendaries.

Huh, won’t it make me flying sitting duck for their mage?

Yes started using it yesterday, helps big vs some comps.

the problem is that the booster sells the gold for €

and they do it for half the price of the token,

before the token got invented, gold selling was a legitimate job for rumanians/polish/russian/tshech because they switch the €/£/kr into their currency

Mate you said it in your first sentence, you’re fairly new to the game, i highly doubt you’re even avarage at the game, so no wonder you get destroyed in pvp and no one takes you to high keys or to raids, why would anyone want you there when you’re bad, maybe go and learn to play the game and how it actually works instead of complaining on forums, i’m literally sick of people complaining about how p2w this game is, when it’s only as p2w as you make it, and literally no one cares if you bought raid boosts or m+ for gear, the reality is you’re bad at the game and everyone will know that when they inspect you/look at achievements or even just your logs, people really cry about how p2w the game is when you’re literally scamming yourself when you’re buying boosts and stuff or you’re just terribly bad at the game, go and learn to play the game and make friends instead of making useless rant posts with deleted characters so people can’t even look at your armory, it’s just unbelievably cringe

If there only would be a way to prevent boosting

reaches into his pocket

First off find a guild, second wow isnt p2w no freaking way, i have 4 alts all ranging from 235 - 245 ilvl and never payed a boost to gear up.

creators guild name says everything :smiley:

Can’t speak about PvP, but you can absolutely progress PvE without buying boosts. I have been back for less than a week and already cleared normal and a few 12s, I went from 180ilvl to 225 without doing Korthia, I got recruited in a guild that is planing to start progressing Mythic soon that told me that me once I am done with gearing I may join the mythic progression team and even if don’t make the cut will atleast help me with AotC. That is just in a week of playing and not spending a single gold coin on boosts or AH gear (not even legendaries because I can craft my own stuff).

I am not arguing that boosting doesn’t hurts the game, because it absolutely does, but it is not impossible to progress in PvE whitout boosts.

Watched less than a minute and i can tell that there is one reason you arent higher rated and that reason is you.

Bad positioning, face tanking CDs, poor use (if any) of defensives like moving out of Darkness, randomly using retreat for no reason, using other mobility just for the sake of it, not even mounting up at start, clicking abilities

Its all on you here my guy.

One possible solution against boosting would be to not add a new level cap. Make questing optional so players who don’t enjoy levelling would not need to do it and could jump right into doing dungeons and when geared, mythic. Those of us who still enjoy questing and solo gameplay could still do it for the lore, the gold, the cosmetics or whatever reward they give us.

The non-repeatable quest content is getting less and less over the years. If you look at how much content we received in BC and in Wotlk, Shadowlands offers the least. Even WoD gave us more content than this expansion.

If they don’t add a new level cap, no need for boosting. Gear progression resets every expansion anyway.

It’s not hard to get 100k it will take 4 hours of gathering. And if you know the dungeons and mythic+ you can run your own key, get decent score and when you are a good player you can help others to get items and score too by joining a boosting community. boosting is part of the game. the game is definitely not pay to win infact very rewarding for people who spent time and they have decent skills to play the game.
Give me any level 60 character without any items and gold. I will get you to 2.2k in two weeks for both affixes.
this post got a lot of attention which it shouldn’t. And instead of making these posts, practice, grind and get better at the game.

Haters gonna hate, but I’m Rival now (
And guess what, boosters are present around 1.8k aswell. Can’t wait to reach 2k so that finally I can have max gear (5/5 is max, right?) and won’t have these unwinnable games where booster just won’t die and his mate is rdruid living in stealth on other side of arena for whole match.

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Grats, only 2317 games.


Who cares? I’m not in hurry & don’t have 5 expansions of experience like everyone else (I’m pretty sure 90% of those remaining in pvp scene have way more games than that, if we count all seasons/exps).

And the website to pay is…? (Seems legit)