Recently returned from a long break, I had Boots of the Bay and used them extensively on my character, Cythreulig, I earned the “Accomplished Angler” achievement back in 16/02/2012.
I’ve checked item restoration, my bank and my warband bank - just incase - and they do not exist anywhere for him at all anymore.
It’s baffling as they were part of a transmog I’d use for fishing and for terrorising Booty Bay whilst grinding Bloodsail reputation for “the Insane” title.
I hope there’s a solution.
Kindest regards.
Hey there Amandilla,
I’m sorry to hear this, but if the item isn’t available on your character or in the list of restorable items, there is no other way to recover it.
I hope you’ll still be able to get another pair!
Ah, okay.
Yet another disappointment.
Thank you kindly, have a wonderful end of year.
Did you use the “Upgrade gear” feature? It is known not to return all old items back and it could be the reason your boots are missing now.
Unfortunately Blizzard already confirmed this bug earlier. The new Blizzard standard is to not restore items - just like they didn’t restore the thousands of guild banks being emptied due to a bug when TWW was launched.
I did indeed utilize the “Upgrade Gear” feature upon my return, had I been aware of such a bug I certainly would not have made that choice.
How very like them to take that route, further solidifying the multitude of reasons I left to begin with.
It seems I shall be leaving again in the near future.
Thank you for this information, you are appreciated.
May happiness and good fortune find you wherever life’s path may lead.
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