BoP patterns

Question: is it worth buying patterns for BoP items in AH?
Considering how little work orders are used I wonder if it’s going to be a waste of gold. I’m tempted to buy some infurious gear patterns for an alt but then I would end up only making this for myself I’m afraid

Infurious Gear is useful for levelling your profession by offering free crafts out. So only really buy them if you’re going to use them and buy them at a reasonable price.

In my experience most PVPers are really cheap. They over value the recipe by selling it high, and then under value the craft by expecting it to be done cheaply. Occassionally you come across someone who pays a decent price, but most of the time the Cheapo ends up on ignore.

BoP patterns in general have been a good investment. I have made much more than I paid for any of them back through answering peoples calls in Trade Chat.

Ok thanks for the answer but what’s a reasonable price?

For PVP items, I think somewhere between 5-10k if you’re just looking to level profs. 20k max if it’s something you want for yourself.

I personally think a good selling price for these items is about 5k if you see someone ask in Tradechat. Although I have seen them listed on the Public Orders for alot higher (and alot lower). Ilvl doesn’t really matter for PVP crafts.

For the PVE items, I usually charge 5/7.5/10k for 392/405/418. Those price will go up when Season 2 starts.

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