Bored. What to do?

I roll an alt, usually a class and spec I’ve never played before. If I don’t feel like playing WoW then Netflix is always there for me.




I’ve been toying with the idea of SWTOR. But I have no idea what it’s like now. I played it to about level 35 back when it first launched but haven’t touched it since.

God knows what it’s like now. If you can get Mandalorian armor as a bounty hunter then I may be tempted.

The classes have been hit with the dumb-stick because you know, people are dumb. So the base classes are gone, you just pick sub-class (Powertech or Mercenary in your case) right off the bat. Leveling is similarily simplified, sneeze and you’re max level. The last couple of expansions are great story-wise, but the story isn’t particularily multiplayery. It’s fun to play still though, it’s very comfortable.

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I mean, mostly there’s more to do in WoW than I can fit into my day, but this doesn’t stop me having times when I don’t want to do any of the options, even though my character(s) could benefit from the time investment.

On those occasions I… log off.

Because WoW is not the only thing in the world :slight_smile: I draw, I write, I walk along rural footpaths, I watch TV, play D&D, read books, play different games.

Like a sane person :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this. Any classes to avoid? Is SWTOR still thriving?

They’ve merged most the servers, so if by “thriving” you mean population, there’s plenty of people to play with yes. I find most classes fun to play when you get into them, but Marauder and Assassin I struggle with if I haven’t played them in a while; that’s probably just me though.

Oh and there’s no shortage of “Mandalorian” armour since you wondered about that.

Winner. Guess I’ll reinstall.

See you on there, for the Empire :kiss:


Playstation or/and a new alt, recently found a new main.

I was 58 then I quit

When i’m bored farming gear on WoW I go farming gear on Borderlands 3. Go figure…

If I’m not playing DE that is. Been playing CnC remastered as well lately, so a lot of things have been occupying my time (such as it is) outside of WoW.

LOL :smile:。。

What’s good to watch on Netflix at the moment? I am paying for it but it’s just as boring to watch.

Would say to watch Fringe 5 seasons its a bit slow at the start but really good over all if you like sci-fi alternate realities or anything by Stephen King .

you wot m8

It’s Archaeology not Archeology.

OK, I will check it out tomorrow. Ta.

You are welcome .

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Invite me then

Watch Killing Eve on HBO.

I don’t have hbo

Too bad, its a great show.

Try different games :woman_shrugging:t3:. When you come back to WoW it may feel refreshing and you might not be as bored like before.