Tried a few random bg, got zerged at graveyard in AB and the Dwarf vs dragonmaw one. Gave up. Farmed 4k zinanthid. Now I’m bored. What to do? What do you do? When bored
When I’m bored, I read your posts. They’re quite entertaining.
Jokes aside, when I’m bored with wow, I simply switch to one of my other hobbies.
I have not played wow for 2 months now BfA is just so boring i went back to my bad habit of STO and older single player games.
I am completing older achievements, farming mounts, etc. Catching up on what I missed in previous expansion packs before Shadowlands come out. Currently working on the Insurrection quest chain in Suramar and lvling alts as well. I am having lots of fun TBH. Finally feeling like I can do whatever I want to instead of feeling forced to do weekly and daily content to not fall behind in PvE. I came back to WoW only about 2 months ago and there is no way I am catching up with my cloak anytime soon.
Get a good book or watch some movies. Thats what i do except wednesday, until my sub run out.
I find some new boots to add to my appearance collection
When i’m bored of WoW i go play on my PlayStation 2 and having fun on Retro Quality games starting with Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3
What’s STO?
Suggest some
you could always just do keys with me. Offered it so many times
I log off and play another game. WoW isn’t designed at the moment for you to play 24/7… especially now covid has caused a lot of people to stay at home bored.
Star Trek Online the game is buggy they have awful business model with gambling boxes but i still like it because its star trek.
I’ve tried to get into STO so many times because I love Star Trek but the gameplay is … bad
U can pray that blizzard add boob slider in shadowlands it that not what all wants oh lol. xD
Yea ground combat is trash but space stuff is fun atleast i have been entertained for 10 years now.
WoW Classic for me when Retail gets boring. I am Level 52 on my Lock now, nearly there.
When content feels dull I go queue for battlegrounds untill its done enough damage solo queueing to realise that theres M+ to be doing or literally anything else.
play monster hunter world.
I honestly have so much stuff to do, that I could be here for the next 15 years, I would probably, still have a lot to do.
But this is extremely dependent on how many things you like to do in this game and how much time you have for them.
The more things you like, the more you have to do.
I can safely say, I missed every objective I wanted in this game, due to lack of time.
The less things you like the less you have to do.
I believe if people only like to play one character and one spec, on average of four hours upwards, chances are they are going to run out of content extremely quickly.
This is my case:
Trying to get the last two pieces of my leather basic set from Darkshore, Warfronts.
It’s 23 minutes till deadline and I am not going to make it.
Update: Warfronts are over got another cape that I already owned.
Still missing the gloves and the pants. -
After that I still have the elite sets.
Got to complete the Zandalari campaign in four characters (Plate, Mail, Leather and Cloth) in order to unlock the quest that rewards one piece every time. -
Even though my 10 characters average 410+ some of them are wearing 375 Azerite gear, so time to farm LFR for 430 gear.
TW grants one piece of 445 ILV and I already got a full set of plate thanks to my 2 Warriors and my Paladin.
Still need to learn all of the specs of the:
Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Monk, DH, Priest and Mage. -
Still need to level up a DK, Shaman, Druid and Warlock.
Should I level them up in Horde or take the chance and level this four on Alliance side ?
I made a topic in the RP forum, but I guess my question was just too complex to be answered.
Need help creating Alliance characters for SL -
Trying to simplify my tasks at the moment.
Just going by the calendar.
Like TW event, LFR. -
I still need to finish BFA and all other expansions before.
I still have classic to play.
I actually prefer the ground missions. But the space combat is undeniably better.
Do the usual make some horde bias threads or go from thread to thread calling other posters racists or karma farmers .
If that does not fill the gap in,you could always get a book or watch netflix or play another game .