Dear Blizzard,
I have four accounts and I am paying four subscriptions on 6 months periods. But now I will cancel all my accounts due to your inability and careless attitude towards game play.
I have reported more than 100 bots on Mirage Raceway over the last month. Your actions against them are absolutely zero.
The peak was two days ago when I did try to sell something from my horde character to my alliance character. I picked a random day and the second I put the item on the Neutral Auction House - a bot and his script bought it off 0.1ms later.
The item was bought from a level 1 Orc warrior with name " Kdoas" sitting in Booty Bay. Could you tell me please how a level 1 orc warrior has 20 gold to buy an item off Neutral Auction House the second it is posted over there?
Normally I submitted a ticket and it said: Your reply time is 22 hours.
On the next morning it states: Your average waiting time is 1 day and 20 hours.
On the next morning it states: Your average waiting time is 2 days and 8 hours.
The greed for money of your investors have made this company a pure joke of what it started. It’s such a shame the same company who gave us “Three vikings”, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft nowadays cares only about micro transactions.