Bot Banwave

By all means no its not botting, but its what proves my cynical Point of view for blizzard and companies in general :slight_smile:

Well In my opinion I think that boters and boost sellers for real money deserve the ban im happy justice is served.

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Even if they don’t do it for real money they still deserve the ban :hammer:


Exactly, plus i would add not only a simple ban… Permanent ban on their abusing IP’s to never play the game again. But we all know not all ISP’s give same IP address each time a router logs in :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have known of boxers that use VPN.

Hehe they deserve mjolnir ban much stronger.


Yup, that cant be easy to do.
But it would be nice if there was a way to perm remove them from the game xD

They still can be removed even if they use VPN a good expert can track the VPN addresses back to the main IP VPN is just a temporary hiding place.

If only :slight_smile:

Botting has been an issue in games for a very long time.

Even on PS4 in ESO we had homemade botters using an elastic band on their ps4 controller to farm xp all day with the double xp without actually playing - it’s amazing what lengths people will go to to cheat :rofl:

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What? LoL
How did that trick work?
Used to play ESO but i cant imagine how and what, care to explain? This is funny xD

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The main issue is it’s taking Blizzard too long to identify and ban.

By then they have already made a ton of gold… and losing the account doesn’t matter because they will just open new ones.

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Band on the movement sticks and stick the attack button down :rofl:

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Not if they IP ban them.

I wish this were true… but bots have the upper hand always as things stand.

If they didn’t you wouldn’t be able to google “buy WoW gold” and see many of them in business.

I thought the third party goldsellers would be dead since they introduced the token?

Well whatever, I don’t even know what to do with gold in this game :smiley:

buying carries is just lame

I guess killing wasps on reapers march? :rofl:
People and their minds…

Nah buddy, that doesn’t always work.
Each time i reset my router i change IP address :frowning:

They sell cheaper than Blizzard and some think it’s worth risking a ban for.

A lot of gold moves around in this game now for boosts and so on - so I guess it’s harder to track.

Go look on your auction house… you’ll see a listing for something that should be peanuts with a crazy price… that’s how they buy the gold via the ah.


Props to Blizz for actually mentioning the number of people banned, they normally just make some non-committal noises. Mentioning the number makes it seem more real.


A friend bought 2 mil gold from a 3rd party website for 50 USD.
He suddenly stopped playing a few months ago :joy:

Funny thing: I helped this guy with a few M+ he wanted as a friend, and he offered to give me 200k. OMG good thing i didnt take them, i would end up banned too :joy: :joy: