This is why they don’t ban right away:
74k accounts. That’s a lot.
If you take the general consensus of 2 million accounts, that works out as 3.7% of the playerbase.
Which actually fits in, roughly, with this Forbes article on how many people admit to cheating all the time in video games.
Logged today. Not Banned.
I’m not worried about being banned because I don’t bot
Some people really never learn
We’ve also seen examples where the reported player was caught exploiting the game, and was removed from the game, and then quickly returned to doing the same thing on a new account with the same character name. That’s an infuriating sight for the players who initially reported it.
I was joking haha, botting in game which is paid monthly? I’m not a kamikaze
Do you box?
No, no, i’m as far from gold making as possible, sitting at 30k and every income is from legacy raids
Good, because some of them were driving me crazy farming same rares as me.
thank you.
Ouch how do you not starve?
Cmon anna
You are a reasonable person and an adult as far as you stated!
We both know they let bots ruin economy for us, make us earn less gold, make money from bot subs then ban the botters + vanish billions of gold out of the game
The token is always there to sell gold though
I’m lower than casual if we talk about level of play i log in, do some fun things and log out, i don’t have to buy any consumables
I play so many games at once, i can’t contribute any more time to WoW
at least until Shadowlands haha
never understood why you even bot in this game.
Gold is more or less useless and you gain nothing else than that?
I understand in other games where items can drop from farming and those items are what you actually need late game like in some korean grinders but wow? lel
It says why in the article I linked:
We’re ultimately working to unravel a challenging circumstance. Real money trading drives third parties to put an enormous amount of effort into circumventing our detection systems. As much as this is a very high priority for us, it is the only priority for profit-driven botting organizations. The bans we issue are simply a cost of doing business for them.
Even with the token some will still buy gold via goldsellers websites.
That is a very cynical outlook on life.
I like to think that this is actually real as this was the way things were done prior to the token ever being a thing. Blizz have always banned bots in waves and from what I have seen and heard did so before WoW was even a thing.
I know people like to blame the token for everything that Blizz do these days as it is the fashionable thing but this pattern is a lot older than that.
Its not life, its business and a company.
Its the bots that ruin us
Its the multiboxers that ruin us
On top of that, the gold earnings that got reduced by a huge margin.
Reality can be cynical, but not the one who points it out. Just the one that makes it
I’m 42 - but forever 20 at heart
No they don’t let them. There are many bots and yes some of them are multibox bots… but gathering evidence takes time as well as them learning more about the tools they used to do it.
A fe weeks ago a lot of multiboxers were banned and they all had one thing in common - they all used HotkeyNet. Some copy scripts for it online unaware that the script they just copied and used will get them a ban.
The ones who multibox and follow the rules are not the same thing though no matter how much people hate it. It needs to be fair use… I box 3. I don’t ruin anything for anyone.
It’s crazy someone can have x10 Druids stripping everything in their path.
I wouldn’t want the job of policing botting in this game… it must be a nightmare.
Does not go well with:
Its being analyzed before in the forums:
Multibox instantly deplete nodes and cause a major damage to your gold per hour earnings.
This gold is stacked to a single account that uses a huge amount of gold each month to run.
Many of them even sell the gold and end up banned.
The result is, we got alot less gold during a whole exc.
Its not an accident, blizzard does nothing by accident.
Do i have to mention the millions they made by having the corruption drop rate to 0 while BoE’s where all corrupted? xD
Yeah it’s annoying but it isn’t botting.
I do think the node issue needs a fix… there are not enough Zin nodes on a tiny island. Make nodes personal that don’t vanish for anyone but you when you tap it… or make Zin a rare chance to drop from any herb you farm.
All people would do is have x10 Druids on 10 seperate battle net accounts - that would make it way harder to have report complaints. You’ll see them also not in their own guild so you can’t /who them via guild.
Blizz making the nodes too few and in one zone, along with allowing people to buy any digital product/service with balance have encouraged this behaviour. They do need to address it.