Bot Banwave

Well you haven’t given one yet.

I’d leave the detective work to Blizzard. You reported it your job is done.

If they are bots they will get banned - when they want to ban them.

They must really like that name :laughing:

botting is not really cheating, it’s more of illegal business.
Also ban waves are all good and well, but i am pretty sure banned accs already made enough money for their owners.

Noone cares. Ban waves should be more frequent.


Yeah that is the main problem. Well we can hope that as they say:

We’re working on further improvements to every part of the game that might address cheating issues more swiftly and completely, and we’ll continue to let you know as those next steps are taken.

Its only affected classic bots, retail bots still untouched.

And this step also took 3+ months, most of the gold already sunk.

Chinese WoW version ban bots on weekly.

Hm, so multiboxers are bots now?

Some are… but it shows there was a banwave.

There are other posts where people are talking about how they got banned.

They all used HotKeynet.

I still see lvl 110 trials characters (and dh-s) in grim batol and botanica. So they either not removed or made new accounts. Sigh.

Can they actually trade gold/sell on the ah?

I have seen raid groups filled with locked xp level 111… they standstill farmed and didn’t move - they are not there anymore though.

I dont know how its works, but i think they send it to xyz who can do it. They have a workaround somehow, else noone bother. doing the trial characters.

So they can use a mailbox too?

Well if that’s true Blizzard could easily fix it.

They should not allow leave the trial zone in the 1st place… maybe its technically impossible to make. Kekw

Bots I reported last week are gone, I specifically went to check if they were still there this morning due to ban wave and they aren’t so :woman_shrugging: maybe you are tracking players who aren’t botting?


I know some people use the trials to farm outdoor mounts to get more attempts each week.

Yes, but trials char purpose is to learn a class what can do, and not use for farming. Atleast thats my opinion.


Oh yes I agree.

They are 100% bots

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thats good to hear

now what about mr multibox death knight in battle for naz
unholy dk and healer shamans and tons of pets

is causing other players to disconnect against the tos?
those only stay on thoras spire and who fly/go near him lags