Bot Problem TBC mirage raceway

Everyone immediately after TBC announcement:
“b0OsTs aRe f1Ne!!!111 b35T tH1Ng eVa!!!1111 giMMe mY paY t0 w1N b000sT!!!11”

Some months later:
“Bots, bots, bots everywhere! Servers are dead! Nobody’s out and about in the world!”

Don’t pretend there weren’t plenty of bots in Maraudon and BRD during Classic either

I’m not. There were plenty of bots in Classic. Now there are more, lots more.
In Classic they were slowed down by the need to level up.

Is this just your personal, anedoctical impression or do you have actual evidence backing this claim up?

I would never make such a claim without evidence.

I have a file right here beside me containing the names of every bot on ever server, cross referenced to their name, class, patrol pattern, and the particular bot network they are assigned to. This file clearly shows 62 bots currently in operation on my server alone, and a total of 80,253 bots across the EU server zone.

Contrast this to the 22,468 bots present in WoW Classic (figure appended from Classic Bot Watch 12-04-20) and you can see that there has been a clearly definable rise in the number of bots since TBC Classic went live.

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So, humor aside, it was just another attempt to take a jab at boosts (as per the other threads on the subject), got it.

Correct. No opportunity should be missed to condemn boosts.

But do you truly see no correlation between an influx of bots and the ability to create an instant Outland-ready character? Yes they were around in Classic, but I can only use my own personal observations to say that they appear far more numerous in TBC.

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Considering how easy it is to boost a character via dungeons regardless, I honestly doubt it made the kind of difference you seem to believe they’re done, and I think your negative opinion of boosts heavily colors your assessment of the impact on bots, too.

Yes perhaps, but that does not necessarily make it untrue.

No, but it’s not made anymore true by throwing it around as if it were some kind of proven fact, either.

I feel that it is true, deep within my soul.

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