Bot Problem TBC mirage raceway

I Came bk to TBC to level some stuff and on every char i lvl there is bots in the same place i report ive had a few mails from blizz saying they took action but this latest one just took the biscuit i whisper them all saying enjoy report but this guy w me bk basically saying that only knocks us bk a day max and they will just make up another email and buy a boost and bk to it with in a day is there any point in reporting as there not dealing with the bigger issue really putting me off playing

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English at finest.
Can you perhaps write that in “more readable sense”?

Sadly Blizzard don’t care much about the botters and simply see them as an endless resource to sell boosts to.
I firmly believe that the reason they still “ban in waves” is to allow the bots to be profitable by the time they’re finally banned to incentivize the botters to buy a new boost and start all over again so that Blizz can continue to sell boosts to them.

I think so as well @valkia

Where would these bots be on MR, anyway? I think I might’ve seen a few in that lake near Shattrath - mostly druids - but anywhere else I’ve been farming, like the elves in Netherstorm or the Clefthooves in Nagrand, I’ve mostly seen legit players farming (they had a guild allegiance, logs on their behalf, spoke back sometimes, and generally behaved a bit too elaborately to just be bots IMO)

A lot of them are mostly in instances.
But you can often see a few around Osho’gun or w/e it’s called, that place in Nagrand with the Shadow mobs farming motes/primals there.
Unguilded, ALL BoE gear and very funky movement patterns makes them easy to recognize.
The instanced ones are often in Slave Pens/Blackrock Depths but those are more in waves where after a banwave it takes a bit for them to return.

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There everywhere that there is low lvl stuff that drops primals im on atm near nagrand and ive counted 3 a mage Undead,Rogue human and NE druid

Cant they look into a chars data and see o this guy just boosted and hasnt completed a single quest ???

I… guess? I’ve been quite a few times to Coilfang Reservoir and I’ve not seen this huge mass of bots or anything like that. It’s true though that, sometimes, I’ve seen rogue bots in BRD on /who (tho maybe it was back in Classic, IDR).

They don’t stand in big clumps outside the instance, they only go out very briefly to reset dungeons.
I’m glad you don’t think it’s an issue at all tho.
That’s great I… Guess?

I mean, it’d be better if Blizzard banned them, but I’ve been failing to see much of an impact on the economy of our server

Agree, the massive spike in price of raw mats after a banwave is pure coincidence I am sure.
:roll_eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This is actually readable, as opposed to the svadas infested with words like Pepe, Andy, omegalul and CaPiTaLiZiNg like this or whatever strange terms people like to show off to show how cool and in they are, and forgetting that not everyone here are English speaking pre-teens hanging out on SoMe all day.

And yes, bots are everywhere, they are a pest, more so on PvE servers where you can’t just kill them off.
Those in instances are less of a P.I.T.A than those in open world, as they do not prevent us from running the same instance :wink: luckily.

I’ve seen mat prices ebb and flow but always within reasonable levels, especially since P3 introduced Shattrath flasks. It’s nothing any player can’t cope with, switching from raw gold farming to mat farming and back as the market evolves. I seriously fail to see the big deal here.

Over at the elemebtals in nagrand you are welcome

Kinda curious personally.

Did you really think reports or even bans actually impacted their operations at all?

Seems very naive to think so.

The place I’ve suspected one or two characters maybe bots is at the void walkers in Hellfire farming motes of shadow.

I haven’t / don’t feel the need to /who every instance to check if there maybe bots in there or not. I did it a few times in Classic for BRD which was a gold factory for the bot masters.

Is this a tutorial on how to show everyone how to be socially challenged? if so? you did a great job! You’re the spectrum knight of the day.

Now this is unreadable. What the bugger is a spectrum knight? The OP only needs punctuation (and maybe a bit of reading aloud) to be A-OK, butnot even Urban dictionary was of any help trying to understand you :wink: I got a lot of hits on a computer game called Spectrum Knight, but I suppose this is not it?

To quote myself:

There are two rogue bots that farm knothide leather in nagrand which remain unbanned for 3 months now. You have the bots in netherstorm, the bots in botanica and slave pens. There are also mining bots for thoriums.

Its the classical experience, blizzard not doing anything to sort out the bot problem just like they didn’t do it back in the days. No changes!

I just want to say that, after having farmed in Nagrand for the last few days, I kinda stand corrected - there’re a lot more bots around than I thought. Mostly druids, but I’ve seen even a warlock and a mage.

They’re not even that hard to spot. (1) They’re guildless. (2) They tend to ignore skinnable corpses, only going after living mobs. (3) They move only in straight lines, more or less, and their moves follow the same script down to the second and decimal. I’ve reported one but, frankly, there’s so many it just feels disheartening.