Bots Isle of Thunder

Whats with multiboxers bot farming Isle of thunder? On Draenor WM off theres 4 boomies lvl 101-103 running in circles all day every day, essentially blocking the dailies as the conqueror’s terrace part cannot be completed as they keep tagging mobs and killing them. I even made a ticket with a detailed description and a video to show what they are doing, but so far no response from blizz.

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any area with high respawn rates of mobs and high raw gold drops is prone to be popular among bots. Although open world farming has its drawback opposed to grinding dungeons. I saw plenty of bots in Verlok Stand back in MOP (before it was nerfed).

The legacy buff also makes it easy, as they’re over-leveled enough to kill those mobs in a single hit.

What they are farming? Raw gold and spirits of harmony i would guess. Spirit of harmony is still in high demand despite being 8 year old mat. You can exchange it for any mop mats you like, make living steels, make mounts and sell them. I think this is the single most useful “material” item in the game by the number of recipes you can use it in.

Did you message them? It could be a multiboxer that isn’t botting.

Although bots are common sadly.

yes i msged them, no response, same as blizz :frowning:
it just pisses me off so much, i work my balls off to get 200k and those mofos just farm all day and crash markets when they start dumping mats. I was gonna make a few sky golems for SL but i doubt its gonna be worth it thanks to them.

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I usually see them in Drustvar in two spots.

Idk about drust, im avoiding bfa zones for the moment, I am working on stormbreaker so IoT is an issue as they block out the zone and you can do little to progress, if it was WM on at least i could spam kill them but, alas, i cant

Report them, at least Blizzard can investigate then.

yeah i did, and opened a ticket with video proof

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robawts are Blozzard’s bread & buttah, if megacorp cared they would, seeing as they don’t they won’t
-Albert Einstein

#420th post Blazit

I went to kill nalak and I saw Moonkin bots running around in circles. I observed for 3 mins. Same motion. A drawn out path. My friends who bot in the past did this same thing 10years ago to farm xp/gold.
in the area on the right hand side before nalak entrance.
I reported all
I got silenced for 3 days for this. Roflmao. Blizzard loves bots=€€

Hey. Nowadays blizz gives you an automated ingame mail after reporting true bots. They tell you they take action or took. I tested it by letting a friend report me for botting but he never got a mail so I assume its no nonsense :slight_smile:

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Greetings [Redacted],

My name is Game Master [Redacted] and I am happy to be able to answer you today!

I can absolutely understand how frustrating it is to play with and against cheaters whether in battlegrounds or “in the wild” farming in places that are blocking other players. You can believe me when I say that these issues aggravate us immensely and we constantly find and ban such players. However it is an on-going fight as, as soon as we catch one, another springs forth to replace it and the fight starts again.

For this reason we need the help of our community because, no matter how good our software is, we can only win this together! The reports that reach us through the report function are incredibly valuable in order to collect as much information as possible.

There may not be an immediate, visible result. After all, it’s no good cutting off the flower of the weed without eliminating the root; it’ll just grow back. We would prefer to investigate the cheats used in order to destroy it permanently, often resulting in so-called “banwaves”. But when a bot is caught and sunk into insignificance, you can be sure that our bothunter-teams know no mercy and love their jobs!

Remember, if you see a player in-game who is cheating in some fashion, you can report them using the in-game right-click report option.

To report a player this way:

  1. Right-click the player’s portrait
  2. Select “Report Player For”
  3. Select the appropriate category for your report.

A contextual report will be created for us to review and contains everything we need. You do not need to submit multiple reports, and while no direct response to the report will be possible, rest assured that we will investigate and take appropriate action to address the issue.

Thank you for your time and effort to keep World of Warcraft enjoyable and abuse-free, and I wish you a safe week ahead. :slight_smile:

All the best,
–Game Master [Redacted]

This is the response I got, so I do believe they’re working on it. I’m just frustrated that it affects me (as selfish as it sounds); however I do believe Blizz will clear them out. As the GM said, its a long and complicated process, so from now on, I’ll take pleasure finding, recording and reporting bots, cheaters etc…

Something to do before SL

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It’s an endless cycle that they can’t beat right now, been going on for years.

Hopefully, one day they will figure it out.

Also an update, the bots are no longer there! I’m in wm off and have been placed in their shard every day for the last 2 days, whenever I checked, so I guess they have been executed!

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If you are into using a mat you know its worth. When they destroy the market, buy it out! You get mats for very cheap.
I bought 400k spirits of harmony for 10 gold a piece on AH about a year ago. Best deal i ever made, only problem was storing all the spirits.

Shame they’re not in WM. Could use some free bloody coins.

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Nah, i did report a single druud that was botting 1 character in drustvar 5 times in 1 week. The dude was botting from an unknown time at night until 5-6 in the morning that i was having my morning coffee.

Conclusion, nobody cared he was always there online spamming the same keys and the lotarang thingy when no mobs where alive :laughing:

The sad truth is they just don’t care , they can easily ban them , if us normal player scan see them so can they , not to mention the grouping of bots would be fairly easy spotted by an admin who can see players coordinates .
Shameful company .

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As always this is an ongoing war with the bots. Our hacks team work on ways to detect and ban them, and the bot makers work on ways to avoid the detection.

While as a player travelling the world you may easily run into and spot these characters, it’s not realistically viable for Game Masters to actively police every realm / every zone and search for these bots, which is why the “report player” tool is also important. It does take multiple players reporting for the reports to be investigated though.

Although Game Masters cannot accept videos or other attachments as evidence, this is something that can still be forwarded to the hacks team via the email

Blizzard does care greatly about stopping these accounts, and continues to investigate and action regularly.


Cool now do silvermoon