Botting in SoD(Hunters lvl 20-40). Are ppl okay with it?

I wish i would have taken a screenshot of it earlier, i have 1 but is it not as epic.
While lvling i stumbled across 20+ Dwarf hunters running in a row along a river new Tarren Mill. Idk what are they farming there, but it is clear to me that botters are not even hiding.

Question: Do players/blizzard really care about this?
I thought that botting destroys economy. But maybe nobody cares about SoD in the first place, so no harm?
(just as i am typing this: there are 42 non-maxlvl players in Hillsbrad, 36 of them are hunters. Situation is dire, imho)
Just wanted to know your opinion.

Yes to both, players report them and Blizzard may also act without reports as generally Warden detects them but once they’re banwaved they return with slight modifications so it’s just a case of Cat 'n Mouse.

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Ty, but i just can’t imagine how can it be profitable to create 1 account after another, and then repeat again. (once the old one is banned).

The botters use a myriad of different methods, such as stolen, fraudulent or low value currency accounts like the Argentinian Pesos to mass create them.

Sometimes it’s just a “operational expense” because they make just that much profit and can take quite a few losses before becoming more desperate with bigger bot swarms like at the moment. It’s a very big criminal millionaire business.

Thanks for the reports. If you want you can also send the clip to but expect them to come back after a banwave.

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Dont listen to his fool he just gives the answers blizzard/activision want you to hear. They dont care about bots. They do nothing about them what so every apart from let guys in game to report them. You get a message in your inboxing saying action has been taken and then you log on go to the same spot you reported the bots to find them still there doing there thing


There was a video, one guy was explaining the system, how this botfarms are working, I didn’t save the link, but in that video was said, that the bots are working in big groups, and this groups have different codes, when blizzard does banwave, they mostly ban bots from one of this groups, but bots from other are still alive and farming, so, I think the best way to win against bots just stop buying gold, it’s simple

As long as replacing the banned accounts will be profitable this issue will persist and will scale in severity with the popularity of the game too.

The simplest solution is for people to stop buying gold. That is not going to happen though, clearly. There are enough people out there with plenty of disposable income and very little qualms about the course of their actions when they buy gold.

I think the second easiest solution is to have a more active version of Warden to detect any sort of program running in link with the WoW client and ban such accounts instantly.

There would need to be a much better appeal process if such an aggressive version of Warden would be launched so that ban mistakes could be easily fixed.

Sorry, i am relatively new to wow.
Could you pls explain to me, like i am a 5 years old: why do people buy gold at all, ESPecially in SoD?
I thought the whole point of the game is to farm gear by yourself? (I assume gold is for GDKP raids?)

good luck farming gear with 2-4 bots in every spot worth farming

No I am not ok with botting at all!

Same thing.
I guess you can use it for GDKP only cuz with gold you can’t buy BIS gear…

Are there people out there who missed this video?

Guy killing bots on hardcore servers then getting death threats towards him and his family from them

Everyone cares about this but blizzard just refuses to act.

Every thing costs gold and people don’t want to spend the time to get it.

Consumables for raiding and various other materials for crafting.

Not to mention the 1000g you’d need for epic mount.

or the community and people could use brain and buy wow tokens if they need gold and dont buy it from third party websites .

do you seriously think you can stop drugs addiction in the real world ? unless the demand is there and people keep on buying it you cant stop it .no matter what u do

You are one soft individual, and so are the people that reported my post. For bullying, or something because i said i dislike this guy with all my heart. From the bottom to the top!
Apparently this is offensive:
‘I hate so so much with all my heart and might that you defend this company so much and pretend they do everything for the player base when they do bare minimum and probably do so for you as well. You are apart of the problem.’


The reason they invented wow tokens was to cash in on some money themselves they was not making through gold miners selling there gold. They wanted some of the market because they are greedy and want more and more and more for less and less

Gdkp is not even allowed in sod.
You csn get gold from thorium point daily quest. 60g each day.
Spamming raids and dungeons to get crates that give crafting materials that you sell in ah.
Also sone raids might give dexent gold like zg.

60g a day, one potion for raid costs 60g. not to mention the rest, or maybe the world buffs if you gotta buy them incase. you dont get very many coins for time played and you would have to do a good few days worth of dungeon runs just to get the money to buy a mount or consumables. dont talk nonsense

Idk about other classes. But as a warrior it cost max 15-20g for all consumes.
Also you get coins from doing old raids, wbs or zg. So not hard to get crates really.