I’m tired of alliance camping flypaths and quests with 25+ raids for their quest, but when they have a bounty on them. they hearthstone away to safety.
Please change this that either horde or alliance bounty cannot leave the zone or log out till he is dead. no more running away!
EDIT: when you do log off, your body stays iddle behind till its been killed.
EDIT2: last time i was bounty i stayed till i died. And they say horde has no honor. More like alliance cowards
Not sure what blizz can do about bounty running. There’s gonna be pros and cons to any solutions. Players with bounties are wpvp active, can’t/shouldn’t put em off wm with restrictions on where they can go. They choose to leave, up to them. Up to you to catch em, not up to them to help you.
I don’t mind how it works now. Makes it more fun to know killing the bounty is difficult. And if they stay on map, you know they are more of a wpvper, so funner to try and kill em.
horde do the same when its assault horde player get bounty and when hes going to die he just run back to phasing quest then in safe of phase he use flygh path whistle and retrun with his fellas …
When will the individuals learn that their own experiences are not a reflection of the game… There are millions of players, across I don’t know how many countries, across hundreds of servers. There is no consistency… Chances are, on another server, there are Horde doing exactly the same thing. Or there are Alliance getting ganked by large Horde groups. Or maybe there are small parties of Alliance looking for small parties of Horde. Maybe there are Alliance players actively trying to obtain Bounty, and want to try and keep it as long as possible.
It’s a boring topic of discussion now - pretty much all negative and positive elements of PvP are 50/50, except for the population. There is a higher population of Horde PvPers than Alliance, but that’s the beginning and end of the difference. Blizzard have nerfed WM+% and item; they listened to all the whining threads from the Horde players, and now we are back to where we were 8 days ago.
It same on your side and becouse you not doing it, it does not mean it didnt happen in your faction Mr. Horde have honor and are prettiest of all. In fact they do it so often that in protest when im assasin, most of time i just fast rlg to denied horde bounty and it is good tactic.
I said camping quests, not even talking about your 25 kill quest. I couldn’t care less about your free loot, i get that from hardwork. I prefer not to be throw at with gear thats too easy to earn. What i do hate is even iff its horde. Being all big with a huge group, then once you get bounty debuff, running away like a coward. I finished my 10 kill quest, yet sticked around for 3+ hours just to kill alliance. No reward there, don’t even want a reward, thats not the reasson why i play PvP. But becoming a bounty to run away. thats pathetic and cowardly. Iff you don’t agree, everyone is entitled to his own oppinion.
Edit: even got bounty debuff several times over. I died for it ye. atleast i don’t tuck tail and run, proud to defend my faction.
I’ve seen bounties abuse unintended locations where they can’t be reached by anything too. The worst part is that some people stay hoping to reproduce the glitch the bounty abused, like just give it up and report bug exploit…
If you mean building roofs, or other high places… watch for nearby high terrain like a mountain to use glider. Or they may have used some other item or ability to get there. I can get to peak of southernest mountain in Drust using my Druid abilities, though might seem unreachable to others. But can reach a lot of high places from there, even in the next zone. Other classes like dh can get places. If it looks like a real glitch report em, but not always the case.
It must by fun when you are bounty they want, but you are in place hard to reach so you stand there and watch like enemies desperatly trying reach you and jumping or flying around
Your first post and it is pointless probably same as your existence, now you can change character again and try to not embarrass yourself again. Good day.
That was legit bug I was refering too, but yes also doing this exists, it’s annoying but there’s counterplay to it at least, no point wasting time staring at the target if it’s a glitch exploit or a thing you have no tool to do something about.