Bountiful Delves not giving rep

Have done 2 bountiful delves this season. Neither of them gave reputation unlike last season, where the first 4 would give reputation for the various factions (and last week also for Cartels of Undermine). Is this intentional or is it bugged?

Yea I got the same issue.

same here …

Now at four bountiful delves done and still no rep! What is going on Blizz?

same here. Last week I got reputation from delves, this week no rep.
Blizzard, is this a bug or a feature?

I was today in Waterwork as bountiful. I dont get rep.

Is it still broken?

I try save keys. Since I dont want use it if rep dont give.

Same, no rep from bountiful delves and also I don’t get rewards from quartermasters if I cap the rep with any faction.

Still broken, but I suspect that if you did not do bountiful delves last week, it should work for you. That’s the main common point I am seeing currently

I did bountiful a bit days ago. I dont see get rep like zero.
Hope next week Web reset and blizz fix it

I was receiving experience for Bran in bountiful delves until he got a couple of bars into level 69. Then I started receiving companion experience into my bags after looting misplaced curiosities ( this is an old bug that was previously fixed) and then didn’t receive any experience for completing the Delve which was Level 9 Bountiful

This is irrelevant to the current discussion and is a well known issue with you being hard capped at getting exp from 27 bountifuls a week. Please open another topic if you want to discuss this further.

Update: 6 bountifuls done this week and got zero rep from all of them. Guess that Cartels rep level 14 is not possible this week. :frowning:

Yeah same here and with multiple characters and delve levels ranging from 4 to 11 - I have loads of chunks of experience sitting in bags - Brann at the moment is 65% into level 67

Bump! Delves are not suppose to give rep anymore?

Likewise I seem to be capped at rank 4 on the Delver’s Journey progression. No rep this week despite clearing over 10 Bountiful Delves.

I don’t get rep either. Done like 10+ delves