Bounty needs a rework

  • The person with the bounty buff should get a damage and healing buff
  • Additional (cosmetic) rewards for players with a bounty and many kills (without a raid)
  • Additional rewards in the Bag after killing a bounty
  • Bounty should also be introduced to older zones
  • Bounty debuff shouldn’t disappear randomly from walking around
  • A Player with a bounty shouldn’t be able to teleport away/enter dungeons etc.
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Players with bounty should not be able to use a toy (think it is a canon) + glider to access areas where they cannot be attacked / reached without flying, at least until patch 8.2 :slight_smile:

You can only get Bounty debuff if you already have the Assassin buff, 15% extra damage and healing.

Bounty is potentially too easy to aquire or loot to justify more rewards, even if not in group… typically several allies in zone will go for bounty at same time. But if extra reward was based on all aspects of wm across a week being taken into account, I’d be up for that.

Currently with bounty, you get one ok reward per day, then after that a basic reward, seems fair. The real reward is putting down a serial killer :smiling_face:

I’d love bounties to be world wide, but I suspect Blizz want reasons for wpvpers to stay in bfa zones to make them wm active. Maybe in 9.0

Bounty should be more difficult to get rid of. I guess blizz want a balance that doesn’t mean players with bounty feel demotivated to wpvp. They effectively opt in to have bounty if they stay in zone. But being able to remove bounty, then simply return and keep going, doesn’t make sense.

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There is already an Assassin buff for 15% damage/healing, and you get it before the bounty almost every time, sometimes both at the same time.

Problem with that buff - it’s even less “sticky” than a bounty. For example, if you got buff+bounty on Zandalar, then fight went to Kul Tiras - you’ll have only bounty after you port.

I think it’s a bug, and should be fixed - buff and bounty should have same criteria to be removed.

Yes, in that department bounty is lacking a lot - everybody can track you, but you get nothing out of it for evading capture.

I don’t think it should be anything big tho - something like more honor from kills when you are a bounty, and maybe “ears” from enemies to turn later for additional conquest points.

Cosmetics would be much better as rewards for WPvP Achievements - like each PvP season new set of achievements for WPvP too.

Current bounty bag is already good:

  • 35 conquest
  • 200-400 gold bag
  • 2000 - 7000 gold in mats/prof
  • 100-200 honor
  • gray troll item for fun - I love all those hordes with signed Anduin portrait in their bags, haha

It would be nice if it could be looted unlimited times per day, but 35 cp + goodies are only once per day, then it’s something like 5 cp and honor every time till daily reset.

Also, give a chance of looting a Quartermaster’s Coin from a bounty, like 15-25% chance, without daily limits. This will make going after more that one bounty per day more appealing.

Yes, and yes!
Or at least bounty shouldn’t be removed when go outside of Kul Tiras / Zandalar.

That’s a bit harsh and unreasonably restrictive. It would only promote dropping bounty by quick relog/fatigue/port/etc even more that it is now.

Yes, that’s the main problem - it’s way to easy to drop.

It should be changed for more “stickiness”:

  • Bounty is removed only if killed with PvP, on Kul Tiras / Zandalar / New zones. No other deaths/instances/loading screens or logging off should remove it.
  • Assassin buff should stay if you teleport between Kul Tiras / Zandalar / New zones, and removed on any death only in open world (not in instances) or after some time when logged out (similar to conjured items).
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Sucks to be you if the game decides that you are suddenly the baddest lad in the zone while standing AFK waiting for your queue.

Bounty should be removable but with a cost of either honour or dropping a chest that can be claimed.

Bring back Dishonourable Points!

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