Bran no longer gaining experience

My Bran stopped earning experience on Sunday morning. All of the experience he would have gained otherwise ends up in my bags as “Chunk of Companion Experience”. There is a lot of those “chunks” in my bags by now. I have been doing only bountiful delves and at level 10 or 11 delves. My Bran is slightly over level 71.

I assume this is a bug, but can someone from Blizzard comment please?

As far I know Brann’s exp limit is 28 bountiful delves per week (4 per day) and has been since the early season 1.

I also have a lot of those chunks in my bags and i’m just waiting if i can use them or what.
Cause i have lot purple ones so it would boost my brann from 74 into very high lvl in the moment becauzse i have those things like multiple on multiple alts :smiley: